
Other NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health Centers

NICHES is part of a network of Children’s Environmental Health Centers that are grantees of the NIEHS and the EPA. The centers connect basic scientists, behavioral scientists, social scientists, pediatricians and other clinicians, and public health professionals, all working together to improve the health and environments of children.


The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health conducts community-based research in the United States and overseas to study the health effects of prenatal and early postnatal exposures to common urban pollutants with the aim of preventing environmentally related disease in children.

The Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center at Dartmouth College focuses on environmental exposures to common contaminants such as arsenic during fetal development and childhood and how they affect immunity, growth, and neurological development.

Emory’s Center for Children’s Health, the Environment, the Microbiome, and Metabolomics seeks to understand the complex interactions among components of toxicant exposures, the microbiome, and the metabolome and their impacts on birth outcomes and infant health and neurodevelopment.

The major goal of the John’s Hopkins Center for Childhood Asthma in the Urban Environment is to examine how exposures to environmental pollutants and allergens may relate to airway inflammation and respiratory morbidity in children with asthma living in the inner city of Baltimore.

The National Jewish Health Children’s Environmental Health Center investigates the etiology and pathogenesis of airway disease in children with aims to enhance the understanding and inform the design of programs that identify, treat, and prevent respiratory diseases in children.

Northeastern University’s Center for Research on Early Childhood Exposure and Development studies how mixtures of environmental exposures and other factors affect the health and development of infants and children living in Puerto Rico – an underserved, highly-exposed population with significant health disparities.

The Children’s Health & Air Pollution Study (UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Sonoma Technology Inc., California State University-Fresno and University of San Francisco-Fresnostrives) seeks to understand and reduce the risks of air pollution exposure to children’s health in the San Joaquin Valley, California.

The University of California-Berkeley Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health investigates exposures to future parents and children; evaluates their effects on child health, behavior, and development; and translates research findings into sustainable strategies to reduce environment-related childhood disease.

The Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment at the University of California-Berkeley seeks to discover how environmental exposures and genetics interact to cause childhood leukemia in an effort to prevent the disease.

The UC Davis Center for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention partners with the community to identify and understand the environmental, immunologic, and genetic risks contributing to childhood autism so that interventions can be developed to improve outcomes for at-risk children.

The mission of UC San Francisco’s Pregnancy Exposures to Environmental Chemicals Chlidren’s Center is to create a healthier environment for human reproduction and development through advancing scientific inquiry, clinical care and health policies that prevent exposures to harmful chemicals in our environment.

The University of Michigan Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center studies how obesity, sexual maturation, and risk of metabolic syndrome are affected by the interaction of endocrine-disrupting chemicals with diet during the critical developmental periods of pregnancy and puberty.

The Southern California Children’s Environmental Health Center is focused on understanding how near-roadway air pollution might contribute to the development of childhood obesity as well as metabolic and inflammatory abnormalities that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.