Financial Support & Access to Care

Resources about where/ how to access abortion care in your state, information about which kind of abortions to consider, and sources of financial help for abortion care.

Indigenous Women Rising is an Indigenous full spectrum reproductive justice organization. They help Indigenous families pay for and access abortion care, menstrual hygiene, and midwifery funding and support.

CAF provides funds towards procedures, cash assistance, and depending on volunteer availability, transportation to and from the procedure. Before calling, a person must have a scheduled appointment in North or South Carolina. 

The National Network of Abortion Funds helps people figure out their financial options  and find clinics near them. It also provides information on state Medicaid programs that cover abortion care (16 states do so).  

Planned Parenthood offers a variety of services including but not limited to abortion services and education, birth control, Plan B (emergency contraception), primary care, and more. Their website includes great information to learn about abortions and abortion care.

I Need An A helps people find abortion care in their area based on key information, like location, weeks since last period, and age (if you’re under 18 years old). It provides different online options and closest places to go for care based on the person’s situation, while also answering questions about costs, different kinds of abortion procedures, and more.

Aid Access provides information about self-managed abortion, abortion pill reviews, and how to use abortion pills. The website consists of a team of doctors, activists, and advocates for abortion rights and gives access to prescription medication abortion by mail.

HeyJane is a virtual clinic that offers safe, private abortion care. The person must be at least 18 years old, live in CA, CO, CT, IL, MD, NJ, NM, NY, VA, WA, and be up to 10 weeks pregnant. HeyJane takes any form of ID with name, photo, and date of birth, regardless of immigration status. A provider will review chart within 1 business day, and pills can be delivered in unmarked boxes or by post office pick up.

Jane’s Due Process helps young people in Texas navigate parental consent laws and abortion bans to confidentially access abortion and birth control. They provide funding for people under 18 traveling out of Texas for abortion care, a text line for people needing information on birth control, family planning services without parental involvement, and free emergency contraception for teens.

Information About Abortion

Resources about the different kinds of abortions and any other general questions about abortion care. 

Abortion Pill Info is a website provides information on how to use abortion pills to end an unwanted pregnancy with or without a clinician.

Abortion On Our Own Terms has digital security and safety measures built into the website. It also gives information on what self-managed abortion is, what’s in the news, educational resources, and how to take action.

My A network offers information about abortion options and takes people through the steps of receiving abortion care.</span>

Support & Legal Advice

Websites that you can visit and numbers to call to speak to people for support regarding your situation

A team of pro-abortion clinicians with years of experience in caring for miscarriage and abortion.



  • 8AM-2AM (Eastern Time)
  • 7AM-1AM (Central Time)
  • 6AM-12AM (Mountain Standard Time)
  • 5AM-11PM (Pacific Standard Time)

Provides free and confidential advice and information on self-managed abortion (also on parental involvement laws and judicial bypass for people under 18) to anyone in the U.S. & its territories. Website materials are available in Spanish, simplified Chinese, and English, but they serve people speaking most languages . Repro Legal Helpline serves as an intake point, through which people can access counsel, representation, financial assistance, or attorney referrals. 

Confidential text line available in the US and Canada. The line offers anonymous peer-based support, medical info, and referrals


Available 12pm to 12 am EST, 7 days a week

Provides financial assistance to people criminalized for self-managed abortion and pregnancy loss by assisting with bail, attorney fees, and defense costs. Full financial assistance is available to: (1) people who end their own pregnancies; (2) loved ones who assist them; (3) community-based abortion providers and distributors of methods; (4) activists engaging in SMA civil disobedience. 


Resources about where you can find people who are sharing their experiences with abortion.

As Debra Hauser of Advocates for Youth reflected, ‘As I have shared my story around the country, more often than not, other people offer up theirs…The result is a bond, stronger than the anti-choice rhetoric or the fear of retaliation or violence that too often finds its way into the political debate. In its place is empathy for the complexity of our lives, the commonalties that bind us, for the need to keep abortion care safe and available.’

Anyone who has been impacted by abortion care can upload their story here. As the site says, “Abortion happens every day. Millions of people around the world have an abortion each year. But the majority of those people will never talk about their abortion experience. What if millions of people broke their silence and told the truth about their lives and their choices?These are the stories we share.

We Testify is dedicated to increasing the spectrum of abortion storytellers in the public sphere and shifting the way the media understands the context and complexity of accessing abortion care. The organization invests in abortion storytellers to elevate their voices and expertise, especially people from communities of color, rural and conservative communities, those who are queer-identified, those with varying abilities and citizenship statutes, and those who needed support when navigating barriers to care. 

R/abortion is a Reddit thread where people share feelings, ask questions, and their experiences with abortion. There are community rules and any violations of them can lead to someone becoming banned. If you type “r/abortion” into the search engine, it will pop up.

Sam’s medication abortion RHAP is a zine that follows one person’s experience of a medication abortion. It is a resource that explains the medication abortion process, side effects, and when to reach out for help. The zine can be downloaded and also has an option to read in Spanish.


Resources on how to track your period safely and protect your browser history when searching about abortion care.

Proton is an email server that uses encryption in order to respect people’s privacy.

Period apps are not safe right now because they are not covered by HIPAA. But if you need to use one, the “Euki” app is a privacy driven health app if you are looking for something to use on your phone but do not want to use Flo or other menstrual tracking apps that sell or share your data. Euki does not collect data about you, the data lives on the app and if you delete the app, all the info that you inputted will be deleted as well. Euki is not associated with your email address, and if someone is forcing you to open the app, you can type “0000” and it will display a false screen so no one else can get in.

Google does a lot of user tracking and collects lots of information about you and your habits. If you want a more private search engine that does not focus on knowing as much as possible about its users, you should try Duck Duck Go. Some people have been legally prosecuted from their Google searches when they are not private. Protect yourself and use Duck Duck Go.

Digital Defense Fund does digital security for abortion access and provides PDF slides for account security, phishing, and online privacy. DDF also provides guides for things like choosing a VPN and what to do if you’re on a breach list and has endless resources about security protection.


Exciting news! Two providers a part of our audio archive just dropped their new podcast, OutlawedTune in as they explore the realities of abortion care in the US and navigate this contentious topic through science and stories of abortion. Check out the first episode on how to discuss abortion with family and friends who might disagree now—available wherever you listen to podcasts.