Susan Yanow: So there’s 2 ways that people are impacted. So in a state with an abortion ban, if one is a family medicine or OBGYN resident and wants to learn, learning how to do abortions, learning how to empty the uterus, is a critical skill. It’s not just used when someone has an unwanted pregnancy. It’s also used when a wanted pregnancy goes wrong, or there’s an infection in the uterus. But the reality is, people learn doing abortions because they can get the practice. They can schedule a day and repeat. You don’t know when someone is going to come in with a miscarriage. You can’t say “Okay, this week I’m going to learn how to do miscarriage management” and sit and wait for someone to come in with a miscarriage. But you can go to an abortion clinic and know that you will see 15 patients that day. And learn. So in the states with bans, a huge part of medical and nursing education has been limited. Because there’s no opportunity to learn. Even in those rare cases where it’s lifesaving, the chances of the resident being present at that moment… there aren’t that many procedures and it’s hard to get them.