Projects_2017 Approved projects (Originally posted at Moffitt_Caspi Google site) Click on title to see the Concept Paper Author Proposed Title Database Barnes, JC 2017 Does Arrest Promote or Deter Future Criminal Involvement?: Results from a Longitudinal Study of Twins Erisk Beckley, A 2017 The association between mother- and self-reported pubertal development and adolescent victimization among girls, an integrative approach Erisk Belsky, D & Marioni, R 2017a DNA Methylation Analysis of Age Appearance Rated from Facial Photographs Dunedin Belsky, D 2017b Sociogenomic analysis of neighborhood compositional effects Erisk Boutwell, B 2017 On Cognitive Variation and Lifetime Experiences of Victimization: Using a Longitudinal Twin Design to Examine Possible Causal Effects Erisk Crush, E 2017a Protective factors for psychotic experiences amongst adolescents exposed to multiple forms of victimization Erisk Crush, E 2017b Investigating genetic and environmental influences on protective factors for psychotic phenomena amongst children and adolescents exposed to poly-victimization Erisk Elliott, M 2017a Brain age as a Mid-life biomarker of unhealthy aging Dunedin Elliott, M 2017b Do genetics discovered in GWAS of educational attainment predict brain volume? Dunedin Gregory, A 2017 Social jetlag and mental health disorders: Evidence from a cohort study Dunedin Hancox, B 2017a Associations between endothelial and lung function Dunedin Hancox, B with Xian Zhang 2017b Cluster analyses of respiratory function and symptoms Dunedin Hancox, B with Xian Zhang 2017c Trajectories of lung function growth and decline Dunedin Latham, R 2017 An individualised risk calculator for psycho-social functioning in young adults victimised during childhood Erisk Lay-Yee, R 2017 Loneliness from childhood to mid-adulthood (with Milne) Dunedin Marzi, S 2017 Epigenetic correlates of individual differences in peripheral inflammation levels among victimised children Erisk Matthews, T 2017 Neighbourhood characteristics and feelings of loneliness among 18 year-olds in England Erisk McMahon, K 2017 Social cognition (Theory of Mind) and the effect on mental health in adolescence and early adulthood: a nationally representative twin birth cohort Erisk Meehan, A 2017 An individualised risk calculator for psychopathology in young adults victimised during childhood Erisk Moffitt, T 2017a Multi-cohort Epigenome-wide Association Study of Aggressive Behavior Erisk, Dunedin Moffitt, T 2017b GWAS Meta-Analysis of Aggressive behavior and Attention Problems Erisk, Dunedin Moffitt, T 2017c Epigenome-wide association study of attention problems Erisk, Dunedin Moffitt, T 2017d Victimisation and telomeres Erisk, Newbury, J 2017 In the eye of the beholder: perceptions of neighbourhood disorder and psychotic experiences in adolescence Erisk O’Hare, K 2017 Does schizotypy predict future suicidality? Dunedin Rasmussen, L 2017 suPAR, a new marker of chronic inflammation useful for studies of early-life risk and adult health Dunedin Reuben, A 2017 Exposure to green space and children’s physical, psychological and cognitive health Erisk Richmond-Rickerd, L 2017 Deliberate self-harm and violent criminality in adolescence Erisk Roberts, S 2017a DNA methylation and psychotic experiences at age 18 Erisk Roberts, S 2017b Air pollution exposure and mental health outcomes in young adulthood Erisk Rocha, T 2017 Development and validation of a composite risk score to predict depressive disorder among youth (Dunedin, Erisk) Erisk, Dunedin Trotta, A 2017 Clinical and functional outcomes in young adulthood of children with psychotic symptoms: a longitudinal twin cohort study Erisk Wertz, J 2017a Can polygenic scores for educational attainment help identify targets for environmental intervention? The case of parenting Dunedin Wertz, J 2017b Young adult outcomes of Borderline personality related characteristics in early adolescence Erisk