Translational Medicine
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Controlled release of etoricoxib from poly(ester urea) films for post-operative pain management.
NC Brigham, R Nofsinger, X Luo, NZ Dreger, AK Abel, TP Gustafson, SP Forster, A Hermans, R Ji, ML Becker, J Control Release 2021, 329, 316-327.
Amino Acid-Based Poly(ester urea)s as a Matrix for Extended Release of Entecavir
A Abel, NZ Dreger, K Nettleton, T Gustafson, S Forster, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2020, 21(2), 946-954.
Sustained Release of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone From Bioresorbable Poly(ester urea) Nanofibers
Y Gao, Y Xu, A Land, JT Harris†, GM Policastro, T Ritzman*, J Bundy, ML Becker*. ACS Macro Lett., 2017, 6, 875–880.
Bone Regeneration

Molecular Mass Dependent Resorption and Bone Regeneration of 3D printed PPF Scaffolds in a Critical Size Rat Cranial Defect Model
K Nettleton, D Luong, A Kleinfehn, L Savariau†, C Premanandan, ML Becker*Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, 8(17), 1900646. DOI:10.1002/adhm.201900646.
Modulating Bioglass Concentration in 3D Printed Poly( propylene fumarate) Scaffolds for Post-Printing Functionalization with Bioactive Functional Groups
AP Kleinfehn, J Lammel-Lindemann, A Razvi, P Philip, K Richardson, K Nettleton, ML Becker, D Dean*. Biomacromolecules, 2019, 20(12), 4345-4352.
Enhanced Osteogenic Activity of Poly(ester urea) Scaffolds using Facile Post-3D Printing Peptide Functionalization Strategies
S Li, Y Xu, J Yu, ML Becker*. Biomaterials, 2017, 141, 176-187.
OGP Functionalized Phenylalanine-based Poly(ester urea) for Enhancing Osteoinductive Potential of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
GM Policastro, F Lin, LA Smith Callahan, A Esterle, M Graham, KS Stakleff, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16(4), 1358-1371.
Soft Tissue Regeneration
Zwitterionic Amino Acid-based Poly(ester urea)s Suppress Adhesion Formation in a Rat Intrabdominal Cecal Abrasion Model
NZ Dreger, ZK Zander, Y-H Hsu, P Chen, N Le†, T Parsell, C Søndergaard, MD Suckow, ML Becker*. Biomaterials, 2019, 221, 119399.
Amino-Acid Based Poly(ester urea) Copolymer Films for Hernia-Repair Applications
NZ Dreger, Z Fan, ZK Zander, C Tantisuwanno, MC Haines†, M Waggoner†, T Parsell, CS Søndergaard, M Hiles, C Premanandan, ML Becker *. Biomaterials, 2018, 182, 44-57.
Preclinical in vitro and in vivo Assessment of Linear and Branched l-Valine Based Poly(ester urea)s for Soft-tissue Applications
NZ Dreger, MB Wandel, LL Robinson†, D Luong, CS Søndergaard, M Hiles, C Premanandan, M L Becker*. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 2018, 4 (4), 1346-1356.
Enhanced Rotator-cuff Repair Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Adsorbed Branched Poly(ester urea)s
EP Childers, NZ Dreger, AB Ellenberger, MB Wandel, K Domino†, Y Xu, D Luong, J Yu, D Orsini, RH Bell, C Premanandan, SD Fening*, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19(7), 3129–3139.
Influence of Sterilization Technologies on Electrospun Poly(ester urea)s for Soft Tissue Repair
MB Wade, E Roderburg, U Patel, B Shah, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17(10), 3363-3374.


Enhancing Schwann Cell Migration Using Concentration Gradients of Laminin-Derived peptides
CMM Motta, K Endres, C Wesdemiotis, RK Willits*, ML Becker*. Biomaterials, 2019, 218, 119335.
RGD-functionalized nanofibers increase early GFAP expression during neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells
DL Philip‡, EA Silantyeva‡, ML Becker*, RK Willits*. Biomacromolecules, 2019, 20 (3), 1443–1454.
RGD-Modified Nanofibers Enhance Outcomes in Rats after Sciatic Nerve Injury
M Cavanaugh, E. Silantyeva, G Pylypiv Koh, E Malekzadeh, WD Lanzinger, RK Willits*, ML Becker*. J. Funct. Biomater., 2019, 10(2), 24.
Accelerated neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells on aligned GYIGSR-functionalized nanofibers
E Silantyeva, W Nasir, J Carpenter, O Manahan†, RK Willits*, ML Becker*. Acta Biomaterialia, 2018, 75, 129-139.
Pilot Mouse Study of 1 mm Inner Diameter (ID) Vascular Graft Using Electrospun Poly(ester urea) Nanofibers
Y Gao, T Yi, T Shinoka, YU Lee, DH Reneker, CK Breuer* ML Becker*. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2016, 5(18), 2427-2436.
Adhesion of Blood Plasma Proteins and Platelet-rich Plasma on L-Valine Based Poly(ester urea)
EP Childers, GI Peterson, AB Ellenberger†, K Domino†, GV Seifert, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17(10), 3396-3403.
L-Leucine-based Poly(ester urea)s for Vascular Tissue Engineering
Y Gao, EP Childers, ML Becker*. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 2015, 1 (9), 795-804.


Degradable Adhesives for Surgery and Tissue Engineering
V Bhagat, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18(10), 3009−3039.
Caddisfly Inspired Phosphorylated Poly(ester Urea)s for Bone Adhesives
V Bhagat, E’ OBrien†, J Zhou, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17, 3016-3024.
Poly(ester urea)-Based Adhesives: Improved Deployment and Adhesion by Incorporating Poly(propylene glycol) Segments
V Bhagat^, J Zhou^, ML Becker*. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8(49), 33423–33429. (^co-first authors)
Adhesion Properties of Catechol-based Biodegradable Amino Acid-Based Poly(ester urea) Copolymers Inspired from Mussel Proteins
J Zhou, AP Defante, F Lin, Y Xu, J Yu, Y Gao, EP Childers, A Dhinojwala, ML Becker*. Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16(1), 266-274.
Anti-Adhesive Hernia Meshes

Anti-adhesive bioresorbable elastomer-coated composite hernia mesh that reduce intraperitoneal adhesions. Nikam, S. P.; Hsu, Y.-H.; Marks, J. R.; Mateas, C.; Brigham, N. C.; McDonald, S. M.; Guggenheim, D. S.; Ruppert, D.; Everitt, J. I.; Levinson, H.; Becker, M.L. Biomaterials 2022.
Zwitterionic amino acid-based Poly(ester urea)s suppress adhesion formation in a rat intra-abdominal cecal abrasion model. Dreger, N. Z., Zander, Z. K., Hsu, Y. H., Luong, D., Chen, P., Le, N., Parsell, T., Sondergaard, C., Dunbar, M. L., Koewler, N. J., Suckow, M. A., Becker, M. L. Biomaterials 2019, 221, 119399.