Fall 2020

Duke Gardens

Tues Sept 1, 11:30 am – 1 pm

WHAT: Moving From Mentee to Mentor
WHO: To facilitate small group discussion, class size is limited to 25 participants. Because space is limited, please do not register unless you are sure you can attend.
REGISTER: https://gradschool.duke.edu/student-life/events/moving-mentee-mentor-0

Congratulations! You are finishing your postdoctoral research and hoping to secure a faculty or industry position soon! You feel confident about your research, but you may have questions about building your lab personnel. How do you figure out whom to hire? How do you set up productive, working relationships with your mentees from the beginning? How can you give feedback? In this interactive session, discover how to successfully move from mentee to mentor.

Speaker: Melissa Segal, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker who has provided individual, couples, and family counseling; facilitated a variety of support and educational groups; and implemented professional development and training. She is currently the Senior Business Manager of Duke Neurobiology and serves as the Neurobiology Diversity and Inclusion Leader.

Thurs Sept 17, 3-4:30 pm

WHAT: Developing Your Personal Leadership Brand
REGISTER: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0e331N0BoVdllpb 

If you start out on a journey without a destination or a map, don’t be surprised if you end up in places you didn’t want to be.  In this workshop, you will learn how to determine your destination and create your map by defining your purpose, values and principles through development of a Leadership Brand.  Besides providing you with a “life compass,” this will differentiate you from others and allow you to present yourself in a consistent manner to everyone with whom you interact and lead.  Learn why you need a Leadership Brand and what it can do for you.

Speaker: Duke alumnus George L. Grody (class of 1981) spent 26 years at Procter & Gamble in Sales, Marketing, and General Management across the globe. His last assignment prior to retiring was as Director for Global Strategic Alliances, which entailed working with other companies and governments on co-technology and co-marketing deals. He’s been teaching in the Markets & Management Studies program at Duke University since 2008.

Tues Sept 22, 2-3:30 pm

WHAT: Expressing Yourself: Improving Communication by Understanding Preferences
WHO: To facilitate small group discussion, class size is limited to 25 participants. Because space is limited, please do not register unless you are sure you can attend.
REGISTER: https://gradschool.duke.edu/student-life/events/expressing-yourself-improving-communication-understanding-preferences-0

Have you ever wondered why a colleague always wants an agenda to prepare for a meeting or needs to know the big picture in order to work on the small details of a project? Using a free online assessment to explore your Myers-Briggs personality preferences, we’ll focus on how you can leverage a better understanding of others’ preferences to improve your communication with your research colleagues.

To prepare for this workshop:
1. Complete the free 16Personalities assessment (https://www.16personalities.com/)
2. Report your results at https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8nXto6pZoWExEep by Fri Sept 18 at 11:59 pm.

Facilitators: Melissa Bostrom, PhD, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Professional Development; Hugh Crumley, PhD, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Thurs Sept 24, 10-11:30 am

WHAT: Managing Your Research Career Using an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
REGISTER: https://tinyurl.com/Fall-2020-IDP 

For better or for worse, your experiences and the training you receive as graduate students and postdoctoral researchers can greatly impact and shape the rest of your career. However, there are strategies and resources that can enhance your chances of getting what you came for. During this program participants will learn how to develop clear and specific goals and objectives, along with a plan for executing them. Topics covered include:

  • The importance of setting goals and developing an IDP
  • Introduction to the SMART goals model
  • Resources for crafting and executing your IDP
  • Strategies for establishing expectations and effectively communicating research and career goals with your mentor/PI

Speaker: Dara Wilson-Grant is the Associate Director at the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and a National Certified Career Counselor. With over fifteen years experience providing career management education and counseling, Dara’s mission is to help individuals develop a framework for choosing a meaningful and rewarding career path, plus develop the skills necessary for a lifetime of career success.