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Lab Updates

June 2021: Congrats to Taylor Outlaw for being selected for the Bonk Fellowship!

June 2021: Lydia Stariha has been selected for the Burroughs Wellcome Fellowship! Congratulations!!


May 2021: Congrats to Michael Pupi, Michaela Reinhart, and Charlotte Thomas for graduating with their Bachelor's Degrees. You will all be missed in the lab!


April 2021: Michael Pupi and Charlotte Thomas have each defended their honors thesis for graduation with distinction. Congrats!

April 2021: Congratulations to Taylor Outlaw for passing her Preliminary Exam!


March 2021: Congratulations to Katie Hatstat for successfully defending her dissertation! Katie will soon begin a postdoc in the lab of Dr. William DeGrado at UCSF.


November 2020: Hunter DeHaan and Natalie Schulte have joined the McCafferty Lab! Welcome!

November 2020: Congratulations to Kelsey Morgan for successfully defending her dissertation. Kelsey will begin working with GlaxoSmithKline in January!


August 2020: Congratulations to Taylor Outlaw for being selected for the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program!

August 2020: Katie Hatstat has been awarded the Charles Bradsher Fellowship for Outstanding Graduate Students in Chemistry. Congratulations!


July 2020: Congratulations to undergraduate Charlotte Thomas for being named the 2020 Alvin Crumbliss Summer Fellow. 

July 2020: Congratulations to Katie Hatstat for being accepted to the Preparing Future Faculty Program.


May 2020: Undergraduate researchers Michael Pupi, Charlotte Thomas, and Jeffrey Zheng have been selected as Summer Undergraduate Research  Fellows!


January 2020: Kelsey Morgan and Brianne Dudiak have been selected for the Charles R. Hauser Memorial Fellowship. Congrats!


December 2019: Congratulations to Katie Hatstat for being selected as a Bass Instructional Fellow!

December 2019: We are excited to announce that Taylor Outlaw has joined the lab. Welcome!


May 8, 2019: Congratulations to undergraduate students Maegan Burns and Hannah Ahrendt for graduating with distinction for their honors theses in the lab!


April 10, 2019: Congrats to Lydia Stariha for passing her preliminary exam!


March 29, 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Meghan Lawler on the successful defense of her dissertation!

December 2018: This past month has seen two McCafferty Lab members successfully defend their dissertations! Congratulations to Drs. Felix Nwogbo and Tri Nguyen!


September, 2018: Congratulations to Kelsey Morgan for being selected for a Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowship!

April 23, 2018: Katie Hatstat passed her Preliminary Examination!!!! Congrats Hershey's Kisses message courtesy of her great undergraduate mentee Hannah.

April 3, 2018: Brianne Dudiak passed her Preliminary Examination! Congratulations, Brianne!


January 2018: We are happy to welcome first year students Lydia Stariha and Jennifer Schuster to the McCafferty Lab!


Congratulations Brianne Dudiak for being accepted into the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (PSTP).


May 19, 2017: Meghan Lawler and Felix Nwogbo have been awarded the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship. Congrats!


May 5, 2017: Congratulations to Michael Dibble for passing his preliminary examination!


April 21, 2017: Congratulations to Kelsey Morgan for passing her preliminary examination!


March 24, 2017: Jennifer Link Schwabe has successful defended her dissertation! Congratulations, Dr. Jen!!!


March 17, 2017Congratulations to Michael Dibble and Katie Hatstat, who have been awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!


January 2017: Brianne Dudiak and Katie Hatstat have joined the McCafferty Lab. Welcome!


November 30, 2016Many congratulations to Dr. Katherine Alser for the successful defense of her dissertation!!!