
Selected Publications

Ryser MD, Lange J, Inoue, LYT, O’Meara, ES, Gard C, Miglioretti DL, Bulliard JL,Brouwer  AF,  Hwang ES, Etzioni EB. Estimation of Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis in a U.S. Breast Screening Cohort. Annals of Internal Medicine, 175(4):471-478 (2022)

Murgas KA, Ma Y, Shahidi LK, Mukherjee S, Allen AS, Shibata D, Ryser MD. A Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate DNA methylation conservation in colorectal tumors. Bioinformatics, 38(1):22-29 (2022)

Ryser MD, Mallo D, Hall A, Hardman T, King LM, Tatishchev S, Sorribes IC, Maley CC, Marks JR, Hwang ES, Shibata D. Minimal Barriers to Invasion During Human Colorectal Tumor Growth. Nature Communications, 11:1280 (2020)

Grimm LJ, Miller MM, Thomas SM, Liu Y, Lo JY, Hwang ES, Hyslop T, Ryser MD. Growth dynamics of mammographic calcifications: differentiating ductal carcinoma in situ from benign breast disease. Radiology, 292(1):77 (2019)

Ryser MD, Weaver DL, Zhao F, Worni M, Grimm L, Gulati R, Etzioni R, Hyslop T, Lee SJ, Hwang ES. Cancer outcomes in DCIS patients without locoregional treatment. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 111(9): djy220 (2019)

Ryser MD, Min BH, Siegmund KD, Shibata D. Spatial mutation patterns as markers of early colorectal tumor cell mobility. PNAS, 115(22):5774-5779 (2018)


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