Whom Do You Appreciate at Duke?

Take time to  thank and recognize a colleague at Duke for making a difference.  If a Duke faculty or staff member has gone above and beyond the expectations of his or her job to help you,  a customer or a coworker, let him or her know how much you appreciate the effort. Your words of appreciation will be posted on this blog for others in the Duke community to read.

122 thoughts on “Whom Do You Appreciate at Duke?

  1. Great job Amanda Thomas and your committee for another fantastic Safety Fair. Well done!!

  2. Each day at Duke I look at the people around me and figure the President of this university has abundant reasons to say “thanks.” It is only because everything is done at a consistently high level of excellence that all of us get the reputation that this university provides. Thanks to each and every employee at Duke for doing what they do in a way that makes Duke shine.

  3. I appreciate walking into my office everyday to the smiling face of Sakiya Lockett. Sakiya goes above and beyond to help keep our office running smoothly, plus she’s a great friend to have at work. Thanks Sakiya for all you do!

  4. Stephen Conrad is an incredible help at the Duke bookstore. He’s always happy to help direct me to the best erasers and mechanical pencils when there are so many to choose from, and last week he even offered his own mailing envelope when the size I wanted was out of stock! This is the kind of worker that makes a difference. It’s the little things!
    Great job!

  5. Libby Gulley is a gem! She greets everyone with a broad smile, listens gently to all questions or concerns, connects employees with the best resources, and manages several LIVE FOR LIFE programs, including HealthCheck and Health Fairs. Libby is never too busy to help out! I’m delighted that she is my office mate!

  6. I am always eternally grateful to the amazing maintenance staff and groundskeepers who return the quad and the campus back to beautiful after large outdoor events. The morning after the National Championship bonfire, which left the Main Quad covered in beer cans, boxes, and other garbage, I returned to work and it appeared as though nothing had taken place the night before. They are the unsung heroes, and we are so lucky to have them.

  7. Vicki Michael is the best “fixer” that I have ever worked with. There is no problem, from electrical to catering, that she can’t find a way to handle. Rarely is so much experience coupled with such kindness and good humor. Thanks Vicki!

  8. I really appreciate and thanks all staffs at Harris and Smith OBGYN clinic for all the hard work and been there for each other to provide excellent service to our patients.

  9. I want to commend my manager and most of all friend “Dana Auton“. Since day one when I went to work at the Divinity School, she is an awesome person and does not mind going the extra step to help you to learn. We all have those moments we just forget but with working with Dana she has so much knowledge and patience I can go back again and again and she always offers support and guidance to get me through the day. She encourages me daily to always do my best and to never hesitate if I need assistance. Duke needs more people with an open heart like Dana that has so much compassion and willing to help. I was the lucky one when I got this job and Dana as my mentor and leader.

  10. I am grateful to have found such an environment as IGSP to spend my days working. I appreciate the support and the friendship that we all share. This is my extended family, and it is a great one!

  11. We never tell those who make our buildings look and run so efficiently, how much we appreciate all they do. One of those who is always there for anything needed from putting up a hook to hang a plaque on the wall, to fixing intricate problems with busted plumbing or lighting, etc. is Gary Olive. Thanks Gary for making MSRB1 run smoothly and for your professional attitude and willingness to help. We appreciate the years of hard work you’ve put in for all of us.

  12. A heartfelt *THANK YOU* to Stacey Everett for the hard work that she provides to the Biology department in the French Family Science Center. Your effort and time is very much appreciated, my dear friend.

  13. Maureen Sellman from Procurement did an outstanding job helping me relocate from San Diego to Durham. Her attention to detail helped me and my family (and dogs) to ease right into our new environment and feel at home. She is an outstanding member of the team. Thank you Maureen for all your efforts on my behalf. Monica.

  14. I appreciate my supervisor Debra Royster for the time and patience and going out of her way to help in any way she can professional and personel. I look forward to coming to work knowing I get to work with such a great person. The work effort that she puts forth on a DAILY basis is what all of us should strive for. Thanks Debra!

  15. I appreciate Lauren Braun, who is so very very good at multitasking and does a great job of keeping so many things on track–and of doing it with a smile. So much of what goes into program planning goes unnoticed–most especially when its done well. So I just want her to know that it is all noted and appreciated. Thanks, Lauren, for everything you do.

  16. There is nothing that makes my job easier than having somone who does not require me having to tell them things to do in the department. Having those that look around, see what is needed, and going ahead with the job without being asked is one of the best rewards a charge nurse can get for from an employee. Therefore I want to thank Christie Kennedy and Page Brantley for being those type of people. You both make life a little easier. It is so nice to have employees who get the job done and done well without having to be prodded. Thank you both for all you do!

  17. I would like to thank Silvia Armes, OR Nurse Manager for her support, patience and understanding. It is not often that one is lucky enough to be able to go the manager and recieve immediate response. Even when she is running out of the department for a meeting or whatever, if an employee stops her to ask a question, get direction, or any of number or issues, she makes sure she stops and talks with you regardless of where she is headed. This way she makes the employees feel like they are important to her and that they are much more valuable than whatever it is she is headed off to. In this world of “I should have been there 10 minutes ago and you are holding me up” it is nice to have someone like Silvia make you feel like you are the most important thing at that minute.

  18. Working alongside nurses everyday as chaplain at DRH continually increases my admiration for the hard work of our nurses, and one whom I would like to offer a huge thank you is Audrey Neal. In her role in nursing leadership as Program Manager and Magnet Coordinator Audrey’s attention to the vision of DRH and her ability to attend to details has strengthened our nursing program and helped us become a Magnet hospital. She does alot of ‘behind the scenes’ work that provides so much to our nurses and always has a smile! Along with all her work in nursing she also has been so helpful to our Pastoral CAre Dept. by playing the piano for our worship services several times a month, as well as extra times for special worship service; she assists us with our Blessing of Hands service we offer on the nursing units; as a member of the Ethics Committee she takes the lead on special projects and offers much guidance and leadership with our Ethics Committee. Audrey makes such a difference in the life of DRH, and we are grateful for her!

  19. On a regular basis I appreciate the IT staff at the Franklin Center. They are unfailingly helpful with everything from small requests for desktop support to last-minute requests for tech support at conferences, meetings, and lectures. Thanks so much to Catherine Angst, Stephen Roberts, and Chris Greer! You guys are great!

  20. Darlene Davis and Gwen Holder, thanks for all you do for our department. You display the attributes of great team members. Keep up the good work.

  21. Dr. Belcher, thanks for the excellent service you provide for patients at DRH, especially on 5-2. Your work is much appreciated.

  22. Amanda Thomas, you are a super3 team player. Thanks for your guidance and assistance during the preparation of our documentation class. You are certainly an asset to this organization.

  23. Gloria McNeil and Angela Adams – what and where would Durham Regional be without your leadership in nursing; not just now, but over the years you have provided such excellent leadership throughout the nursing department. I take my hat off to both of you and please continue the outstanding work and mentorship you provide.

  24. Darlene Adams – you are a jewel, thanks for caring and sharing. You are such a blessing and an important part of unit 5-2.

  25. My co-workers and I appreciate all of the efforts of the Athletic Department’s Technical Coordinator, Laurie Hyland. She keeps the entire Department up and running throughout the year. Thanks for everything Laurie!

  26. I want to tell Paul Wilshire from Perkins Library IT what a great friend and colleague he is. Paul does his job efficiently and cheerfully. He is always ready to help out when he is needed and always with a smile. During the annual CIT showcase last week, Paul was a “goto” guy and he really made an effort to make sure everything went off without a hitch.

  27. Anne Marie Boyd, at the Divinity School Library, always puts me in a great mood. She works very hard but is always accommodating. Her ability to find lost books will never cease to amaze me. I’m going to miss her and the rest of the library staff very much after I graduate.

  28. Brian Denton at Duke TIP works tirelessly to ensure that over 3,200 students have the best summer experience possible. He coordinates logistics and operations at 9 different sites in 4 different states and makes everything runs smoothly.

  29. Thank you to Tom Wooters. He was able to save my inservice this morning! He is always pleasant and very very helpful. He deserves a big thank you for all of the technical help he offers every day!

  30. Marialana Weitzel is new to Women’s Studies this year – she picked up the reins for a position that used to be full time and is now 66%. The joy of working with her is that I don’t have to look over her shoulder, I don’t have to remind her of what needs to be done. She not only knows what needs to be done but she looks outside the box to improve office procedures and projects! Her willingness, positive manner and openness is GREATLY appreciated and I feel very lucky to have hired her.

  31. I just want to extend a “thank you, appreciate you much” to Ruby McDaniel in our DRH Human Resources office. Ruby wears many hats & is consistent in her availability to put out many “payroll/benefit fires” we present her with! Ruby is always willing to research an issue if she doesn’t know the answer to make sure we have the necessary tools/understanding of forms we are submitted. Thank you Ruby for your patience & willingness to keep your door open for us!

  32. I want to recognize Rebecca Poe-Watts for her outstanding compassion in nursing and the dedication she offers to her patients. She advocates for nothing less than the best bedside care. But not only is she a wonderful nurse she is and always will be a wonderful sister.

  33. I would like to thank Morgan Norris and Breann Rogers for all their enthusiastic help at the CHC. You guys make our day fun and our patients smile! Keep up the good work.

  34. To my collegues at CCBB / PedBMT: To Ellen Tvrdy – for her kiwis, dedication and constant helpfulness. And to Rod Mangum and Wayne Temple – for countless thankless hours on the road without which nothing else could get done. And to Dondi Pulse-Earl – for systems management, energy, and smiles to aspire to and for Deb Wood – for pulling that rabbit out of your hat while on a bicycle on your day off!

  35. DRH Clinical Informatics Team
    I would like to thank the DRH clinical informatics team for all of their hard work and dedication to excellance. The work load is heavy but everyone gives 110%. I am very proud to be a part of such a cohesive and dynamic team!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;N;s:20:”comment_person_email”;N;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;N;}

  36. Lindsay Smith – PRMO
    I appreciate this opportunity to tell you how important you are to the work we do here in Wellness. We appreciate your cheerfulness, patience, and attention to detail. You care about the quality of your work and it shows. You set an standard for excellence and although you are ‘behind the scenes’ your work is conducted as if you are ‘up front and center.’ Thank you so much Lindsay.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;N;s:20:”comment_person_email”;N;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;N;}

  37. A BIG “We Don’t Know What We’d Do Without You” to Tom Wooters

    We call upon you time and time again to help us with Wellness projects. When we do, you are always gracious and willing to lend your expertise. It doesn’t matter if you are juggling 500 things — you take the time to explain what needs explaining, do what needs doing, and you willingly juggle 501 things! You make us feel that our needs are a priority and that you value us. You are very much appreciated. Thank you Tom.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Tom Wooters”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:33:”Tom Wooters/Marketing/DRH/mc/Duke”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:42:”Kathleen B Galbraith/Marketing/DRH/mc/Duke”;}

  38. I am so fortunate to work with many people who care about Duke, The Nicholas School, and the Marine Laboratory. My thanks to everyone who helped us make this Marine Lab celebration a success. This includes Beth Ray Schroeder in the Alumni Affairs office, Chandra Christian and the Office of External Affairs at the Nicholas School, and of course, the faculty, students, and staff of the Marine Lab who make the Marine Lab sparkle and who deliver the goods.

    Splendid, splendid, splendid.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:41:”Duke Marine Lab through Belinda Williford”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:12:”bbw@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”bill.chameides@duke.edu”;}

  39. To the best and yet small team anywhere. I say to you guys “Semper Fi” You are the ones to make sure everyone else receives recognition during DA each year. You go above and beyond to get it all done! Thank you for all you do and with such cheerful, kind and funloving spirits! I can’t imagine how we would get it done without you. THANKSHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:30:”Staff and Family Programs Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:15:”sandfp@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”kyle.cavanaugh@duke.edu”;}

  40. Pam is our HUC on 7-1 @ DRH. She always goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure our patients needs are met, and that they are safe. When the patient calls and needs just a glass of water, or an extra blanket Pam will get up and bring it to the patient with no hesitation. She may think that we don’t notice these things but we do. She is very thorough at her job not just doing the basics to just get through the day but instead to does her job and makes sure that it is done right the first time. She is an advocate for change on our unit. She participates in our Team EPIC Committee for our unit, and has made suggestions that have positivly impacted our unit. She as a great team player and I love her and appreciate her prescence when we work together.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:23:”Pam M Brown HUC 7-1 DRH”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:35:”Pamela M Brown/Clinical/DRH/mc/Duke”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  41. I want to recognize Lynne Mitchell for her incredible creativity and unwavering commitment to excellence. Among her many accomplishments, Lynne is the creative genius behind our annual Service Excellence forum. As in past years, this spring she spent dozens of hours of her own time designing and sewing costumes for “Finding Nemo” and then motivating all of us to be our best. It was a labor of love … and a demonstration of the real spirit of Durham Regional. Thanks, Lynne!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Lynne Mitchell”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”lynne.mitchell@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  42. Shelly Womble and Melinda Bowes
    Thank you both so much for working any hours or days of the week I need you. This past year has been a real task with the events taking place. Your dedication to your job and the assurance everything runs smoothly is appreciated; taking alot of the stress off me. Thank you again for being such an incredible part of our team!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:29:”Shelly Womble & Melinda Bowes”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:51:”michelle.womble@duke.edu and melinda.bowes@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”mickey.harris@duke.edu”;}

  43. Pam Mooney serves as IT Analyst in the University Development office but this title does not begin to describe all that she does. If you need new software, who you gonna call – Pam Mooney (to the tune of Ghostbusters)….if it doesn’t work when you need it, who you gonna call – Pam Mooney…..Pam is always responsive and quick to handle user’s needs often time going over and beyond what is requested. There is so much that Pam does that no one is aware of to keep the systems up, running and going – she is the little mouse in the wheel behind every computer. I am thankful for Pam because she makes computer issues less stressful and when she comes, she is sure to bring a smile. Thanks for all you do Pam.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Pam Mooney”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”pam.mooney@dev.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:13:”eder@duke.edu”;}

  44. Wendy is the best boss I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. She is encouraging and extremely helpful without micro-managing. Her strong work ethic is contagious in a friendly sort of way which makes coming to work ever so stress-free and productive at the same time. She’s bright, cheery and quick-witted – all qualities that make my work experience at Duke a truly memorable one!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Wendy Bloomer”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”wendy.bloomer@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:25:”jeffrey.crawford@duke.edu”;}

  45. Duke Law Administrative Services

    I appreciate my work group so much – Gael Hallenbeck, Bonny Gentry, Catherine Hall, Tani Trout, Roger Poff, Cathy Perkins, and Nanika Rhodes. Gael, as business manager of the Law School, is a great leader of our office. Each of my colleagues is talented in his/her individual job and willing to contribute to the team as well. When people ask me if I like working at Duke, I say yes I have a good job, but I have wonderful co-workers, and that makes all the difference to me.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:39:”Duke Law Administrative Services Office”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”hallenbeck@law.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  46. Ron has a way of making sure the spirit of DRH is demonstrated throughout the hospital system. During employee appreciation week, Ron made sure that a colleague and I had the opportunity to enjoy a sundae after the distribution of sundaes had ceased. Ron came to our department and hand delivered 2 homemade sundaes!!! They were awesome and better than any ice cream shop. We enjoyed the personally delivered sundaes with a smile on Rons face to top it off!!!
    Thanks RonHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Ron Thomas”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:19:”ron.thomas@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”richard.walsh@duke.edu”;}

  47. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the Human Resources Department at Durham Regional Hospital. Thanks to their efforts, Employee Appreciation Week is off to a great start. Each year they go the extra mile to ensure that everyone else is honored and celebrated. I want to let them know I appreciate the work that they do, the council and support they provide and for serving as champions for DRH Employees each and every day. You all rock!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:30:”DRH Human Resources Department”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”lynne.mitchell@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”richard.walsh@duke.edu”;}

  48. I would like to thank Kristian Knutsen, Bianca Briola, and Kim McMahan for all of their hard work in Performance Services during my tenure as Manager. They are an incredibly dedicated group of employees who log long hours and consistently go out of their way to serve their customers. As I move into a new role, I want to wish Kristian and Kim good luck in Performance Services and thank them for taking on additional tasks. I also want to thank Bianca and wish her good luck in her role in Nursing Leadership.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:29:”DRH Perfromance Services Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:76:”kristian.knutsen@duke.edu, bianca.briola@duke.edu, kimberly.mcmahan@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”burto008@mc.duke.edu, “;}

  49. Mekisha Mebane will be receiving her MA this weekend. She is a valued and valuable member of the Focus Program. On Behalf of Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, we all say congratulations on this achievement and we thank you for the excellence you bring to your position everyday.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Mekisha Mebane”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”mekisha.mebane@duke.edu “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  50. Gail Hignight, Cathy Lewis, and Bisa Meek bring extraordinary leadership, dedication, and commitment to the vital roles they play in the college everyday.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:38:”Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  51. Linda I would like to personally thank you and the staff for a wonderful job that was done for the medical staff receptionHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:22:”Food & Nutrition Staff”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”Linda.gardler@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  52. I wanted to say thank you to our wonderful Information Systems team. They have worked around the clock to implement our new desktop system at Durham Regional Hospital. There are several invidivuals who I know have gone above-and-beyond, working to fix my computer glitches that are related to this change, and I’m sure they have helped countless others in the hospital. Chris Seawell and Mark Ascherl-THANK YOU! I can’t say enough about them, and the entire IS team. They are all so helpful, and work diligently to keep us current with all the changes we face in our constantly-changing industry.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:27:”Chris Seawell, Mark Ascherl”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”chris.seawell@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”terry.mears@duke.edu”;}

  53. I would like to recognize Scott Selig, Assoc. V.P. for Real Estate. I have worked for Scott for the past 8 years of my 23 years at Duke. Scott makes everyone around him feel important. He makes it a point to remember everyone’s name and to speak to them, no matter their level or job. He is always optimistic and cheerful. He loves being a part of Duke, even though he “isn’t from around here”. He is dedicated to Duke’s vision and he is loyal to his staff. We are very fortunate to have Scott as part of the Duke family.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Scott Selig”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”scott.selig@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:9:”Hof Milam”;}

  54. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize Harris and Smith OB GYN clinic for a great job to all but especially thanks to Sue Powell our Office Manager and Ayisha Adams our lead Worker. Thanks for always being there for us at the new location on Paterson place. A great example to follow is Melody Mcnair our charge nurse of the location. She always goes above her job description and helps so much. Thanks to all.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:37:”Sue Powell,Ayisha Adams,Melody Mcnair”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  55. I would like to thank Timothy Dees in Durham Regional Hospital who helps us in the operating rooms unceasingly. He is ever ready to help OR staff at any time, goes beyond extra mile to help . He has lot of patience and always been cheerful. Its great to have Tim in OR as our support and friend. Thank you for all you do Tim!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Timothy Dees”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:”dees.timothy@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:24:”Monica. walters@duke.edu“;}

  56. I would like to recognize Aurthur, the anesthesia tech in Durham Regional Hospital for the great work and co-operation with staff. Aurthur has strong work ethic and compassion for staff and patients. He comes to operating room with a smile and ready to offer any kind of help. Your presence in OR makes a difference Aurthur. Thank you for all you do. You are very much appreciated.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Kirksey Aurthur”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”Kirksey.aurthur@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”monica.walters@duke.edu”;}

  57. I am a Surgical Technologist student from Miller-Motte College and spent 2 months at Durham Regional Hospital. Today was the last day of my clinical rotation. I enjoyed the staff so very much. Sue Woodlief was a Scrub Tech who I had the pleasure of having as my preceptor a number of days. I learned more in the short amount of time spent with Sue alone, than I have throughout my entire clinical experience. I do not know of a better teacher out there. First of all, the amount of time she has spent as a Scrub Tech at Durham Regional is just amazing. But, what is more amazing than that is Sue’s work ethic. After that many years doing the same thing at the same facility, it seems as though many would get “burned” out. The pride Sue takes in EVERY thing she does is remarkable. Being a student is not easy, especially in the OR setting. Most people want you to do things the way they like them done. They want every item on their back table to be placed just as they would like them to be placed. Sue allowed for me to do my own thing (of course while carefully watching). She let me discover what it was that worked for me. She didn’t place instruments in my hand, anticipating the surgeons next move. She allowed the surgeon to ask for what it was that he/she needed. For me, this is the only way to learn. Sues dedication, work ethic, kindness and endless amount of knowledge is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. What she brings to the OR, the Surgeons, the patients and everyone who crosses paths with Sue is insurmountable. Please know how much Sue has impacted me as well as how much I witnessed her impact on others on a daily basis.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:27:”Sue Woodlief-Operating Room”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:7:”unknown”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”eva.mccullock@duke.edu”;}

  58. When you have a team like Facilities Management Dept. you cannot name just one person because we are all one unit. If there is a need, everybody pitches in to help. In times of crisis there is no shortage of volunteers to help each other both on and off the job. You have the toughest groups of men and women who work 24/7 outdoors through rain, sleet, snow, hurricanes and 10 to 100 degree weather. They do it all and have the biggest hearts. This is one large eclectic family that works hard and plays hard. Thank you for letting me be part of THE TEAM!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:22:”Faciltiies Mgmt. Dept.”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  59. Dannet, You are a great person to work with. You are also a great friend and I will miss working with you every day. Good luck in your new position and enjoy each working day, because we are FREE!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”dannet ediger”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:16:”dediger@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  60. Shelia Couch is a Staff Specialist in the Annual Fund Department of University Development. Chances are that Shelia has either touched your life or the life of someone you know. The simple task of mailing sympathy cards, get well cards, or any other kind of cards is hard for most of us to manage for our close friends and family. For Shelia, it is a ministry. She touches the lives of people throughout the University every day…employees, alumni, parents, students, and friends. Often, she has never even met the people. A simple “thinking of you” can brighten anyone’s day, and Shelia has a knack for knowing just how and when to let someone know that she cares. She has a heart of gold, and her words of inspiration and her prayers touch all of our lives. I’d like thank her and let her know much her special attention make a difference.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Shelia Couch”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:25:”shelia.couch@dev.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”hank.woods@dev.duke.edu”;}

  61. Thank you Mary Jacobs, Administrative Coordinator and Assistant to the Dean of Faculty in A&S and Trinity College.
    You are simply the very best! Thank you!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Mary Jacobs”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”mary.jacobs@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:19:”natscidean@duke.edu”;}

  62. When a Central Administration teams operates well the work that is accomplished is invisible. I would like to recognize and thank our Central Administration team for all the invisible and visible work that they do to make it possible for our organization to publish books and journals. It is truly a team of professional individuals who put the needs of the organization above their own needs time and time again. They do it not because of any praise or recognition that they ever get. They do it because they take pride in their work and the contribution they make to Duke University Press and the staff that work here. I am both proud and grateful to work with a group of people that demonstrates such a high level of personal and professional integrity every day. Thank you – RobynHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:31:”DUP Central Administration Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:111:”sloftis@dukeupress.edu, judy.melvin@dukeupress.edu, karen.fonville@dukeupress.edu, bridgit.burch@dukeupress.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”steve@dukeupress.edu”;}

  63. Everyone on the 4th floor of the Davison Building is greeted daily with a smile from LaKeshia “Keywee” Whitted. I appreciate her positive spirit and love to hear her sing while going about her duties of keeping our offices/suites clean. Thank you for all you do and for just being a friend.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:27:”Lakeshia “Keywee” Whitted”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”golds013@mc.duke.edu”;}

  64. There are some people who just go out of there way to do whatever it takes to get the job done and done right. Abe Lewis is most certainly one of those people. We at OUSF are incredibly grateful for all of his efforts with the gifts for our graduating seniors!!! Abe, you’re the BEST!!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:9:”Abe Lewis”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:”abe.lewis@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:19:”bob.walker@duke.edu”;}

  65. Jody Power is an outstanding director for the IRB. She is always positive, a good leader and makes herself available to anyone needing her assistance. She is a pleasure to work for and with.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Jody Power”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”power008@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  66. Carole was my grants specialist in ORA while I worked in the Brain Tumor Center. This lady is incredible. With grant rules changing nearly daily, she knows her job inside and out, and is willing AND able to teach you so that you understand the process as well as she does. She goes over and above the requirements of her position to make sure we turn out quality applications, which I feel, increase our chances of getting funded. No grant processed by Carole will ever be triaged by a sponsor for administrative problems. I wish I could work with her for the rest of my years at Duke. She is truly special.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Carole Tucker”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”Carole.Tucker@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:”mollie.sykes@duke.edu”;}

  67. Maxine Borjon and Sakiya Lockett are the unsung heroes of Duke’s Office of News and Communications. They are unflappable in assisting reporters, faculty, students, staff, visitors and everyone else who interacts with a busy campus news office. Whether they’re handling the budget or arranging parties to celebrate life’s happy moments, they keep us all happy, focused and productive. As we say in the news business, here’s the headline: Maxine and Sakiya are terrific, and we appreciate every day we get to work with them.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:32:”Maxine Borjon and Sakiya Lockett”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:47:”maxine.borjon@duke.edu, sakiya.lockett@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:27:”michael.schoenfeld@duke.edu”;}

  68. We’ve had an extraordinarily full 18 months gearing up to and becoming Duke’s 10th school. The only reason I am still partly sane is because of my extraordinary staff: Web Developer Rita Keating, Communications Specialist Jackie Ogburn (I call her “Jackie of all trades”) and Special Events Planner Mary Lindsley. Each one of them is hard working, dedicated to doing her very best every day, has a positive attitude, and is just plain fun to work with. They can be relied on, in sunny or stormy weather, and that makes it possible for me to succeed at my job.

    My favorite quote from Rita sums it up: “I had a moment of feeling as if I would drown last week, and then I remembered that I am an excellent swimmer.”

    Yes, that’s it exactly! Thank you to these three excellent swimmers.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:73:”Rita Keating, Mary Lindsley, Jackie Ogburn: Sanford School Communications”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  69. Sally at Clinic 1J has gone above and beyond for me over the past several months, answering numerous calls and questions and scheduling many appointments. Normally having so many medical appointments would be a burden, but Sally has been with me every step of the way and is genuine and sincere in her work! Thank you for all you do!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Sally Howland”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”sally.howland@duke.edu “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  70. Jerry = I just wanted to say that I appreciate you giving me a chance and hiring me back in 1999. I was so unsure if I could do any job, and our family needed the income so badly = as my husband and I had been without an income for 6 months and I had not had to work for 7 yrs. You, Steve, and the other Managers really gave me a lot of confidence. That you took a chance on a ‘rusty old gal’ like me means a lot still. (I am still not clear on the difference between filing and recycling – is there?) Sure I had offers that would pay more – but I was always very happy working with the whole group. I have told you before and I really meant it = that you where the best boss and bosses I ever had. I miss that time and I am very grateful for it. Now I am home and dealing with my cancer, disability, and all the things that came a that time. I believe that if it hadn’t been for your professionalism, dedication, caring and humor – I would not be ‘as good’ as I am today – not by a long shot. Thank you Jerry – for giving me more than you could ever pay me. From the bottom of my heart – you are still the best boss I ever worked for!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”jerry connolly”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”conno008@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  71. Thank you to the entire Facilities Management Department (campus and hospital) for all you have done for me, my family, and my community in Roxboro, NC. Over the past nearly 20 years you all have always been gentlemen, knights in shining armour, and professional in every way. On a daily basis anywhere I went on campus, here were men who loved what they do, and always had a smile and kind word. When I was having my first child – Chip – you were there to watch over me, and passed the hat to outfit his nursery. This was far and beyond your jobs and with the difficulty of the pregnancy and delivery, you were my knights in shining armor. When I came back to work at Duke and Chip had grown, you still remembered him. And all of you, Mr. Cline, Mr Bryant, Ms Crawford, Mr. Parker, and the rest have been very instrumental in helping to sustain two successful charter schools in Roxboro. If it had not been for The Recycle/Donation team – these schools would not have been able to open their doors. Roxboro Community School = did not have to pay for one stick of furniture = thanks to the hard work and diligence of this one department. For these past ten years the men and women at Facilities have given these schools the resources needed to continue day to day operations. Both school have been awarded ‘School of Excellence’. And that has made a difference in so may children and their families. And given these kids a chance for a better education they might not have had otherwise. Thank you! You Guys Are The BEST!!!!!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:21:”Facilities Management”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:43:”john.noonan@duke.edu “;}

  72. Tim Dees is just one really great guy. I have had the honor to work with him and for him while at Duke. When our department closed, and we all found other positions, I was so happy to run into Tim again.

    The Staff in the DRH OR area spoke very highly of you – which really did not surprise me… but it touched my heart to see that you were being taken care of and your talents appreciated by so many.

    Tim, you may not know just how much it meant to me that you had come to see me just before I went into the OR. I was trying not to be scared, but when you stopped and said hello, I knew everything would be ok. Thank you for being a great boss, coworker, and friend. jHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:8:”Tim Dees”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  73. Layne Baker was the first person I ever met at Duke, when I arrived as a visitor in November 2008 and walked onto campus and into the Chapel. She is the first person many visitors to Duke meet, and her cheery kindness, warmth, and humor make all feel welcome here. I am blessed to now have Layne as a colleague, since I have become a faculty member and am no longer a visitor. I still visit her often and appreciate her hard work and her invaluable presence in the place that is the heart of our campus.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Layne Baker”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”layne.baker@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:39:”sam.wells@duke.edu, lucy.worth@duke.edu“;}

  74. Congratulations to the entire Food & Nutrition team at Durham Regional Hospital for an outstanding two weeks of events!! The Medical Staff reception on May 6 was fabulous — you all went above and beyond to create a terrific atmosphere with delicious food. And the Employee Appreciation Week activities were great. We’ve heard many compliments on the pancakes, banana splits and especially the weekend fish fry. Way to go … your team rocks!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:21:”Food & Nutrition Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”andrew.hennis@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  75. Rasheedah does a wonderful job of juggling the many priorities that come her way. In addition, she goes above and beyond to make sure that staff receive important communications during stressful situations. She’s a great team player and has been instrumental in making my first few months in S&LR go as smoothly as possible.

    A GREAT BIG THANKS, RASHEEDAH! YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Rasheedah Clay”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”rasheedah.clay@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”Dexter.nolley@duke.edu”;}

  76. I want to thank Christina for being a very pleasant, empathetic but fair business manager in our Dept. of Pediatrics. She is always willing to help and has gained the respect of all of the medical secretaries and staff assistants in the division over the past year. It was a tough task but she undertook it and succeeded. I know my co-workers would agree and so I’ve written it for all of them. Thanks Christina!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:18:”Christina Engstrom”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:27:”christina.engstrom@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:24:”maxine.cookston@duke.edu”;}

  77. I would like to recognize my dear coworker Joy Tyson (RN). Joy is always willing to lend a helping hand. Her extensive years of experience has been a blessing to not only the patients and their familes but also her coworkers. Her pleasant smile and compassionate spirit luminates where ever she may be. She is truely an inspiration to us all. Thank you Ms. Joy for all you do and how you make the ED an even more pleasant place to work.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Joy Tyson (RN)”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:”Joy.Tyson@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:19:”Mitch.Babb@duke.edu”;}

  78. Charlotte is the director of the education department of the IRB and runs all the education and training programs for staff and members. She is extremely dedicated with attention to details. She never gets upset or flustered. She has a calming effect on people and very nice to everyone. She also brings me fresh flowers at least every other week to have at the front desk! What more can I say!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Charlotte Coley”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”Coley007@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  79. Leroy Kithcart of Housekeeping Operations is my unsung hero of Smith Warehouse. The pride Leroy takes in everything he does is just amazing. One example, you may ask Leroy to help you with a spot on the floor at your desk and he will get all of the spots regardless. Whenever you see Leroy, he is smiling and ready to give you a big hug. I have been so blessed to have met Leroy. Thank you Leroy, my dear friend for all your efforts and kindness.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Leroy Kithcart”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”timothy.adams@duke.edu”;}

  80. Karen works in the Financial Aid office in the School of Medicine. She is always pleasant and helpful to our medical students. She makes the students feel welcome and gives them her full attention with concerns regarding their award letters and loans. I appreciate Karen’s warmth and humor. I enjoy visiting with her and value her opinion. She is a good friend and felt she deserves a BIG SHOUT OUT!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Karen Robinette”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”karen.robinette@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”mccor014@mc.duke.edu”;}

  81. As a 2nd rotation Surgical Technologist student, the OR is still filled with a lot of unknowns. Being in Felicia’s OR truly felt as though you were a guest. No matter what case, Felicia always had “smiling” eyes behind all the OR attire. On my very 1st day at Durham Regional, I was assigned to Felicia’s room, where she was assisting with a Spider case. This was the 1st time the Spider was used in the US. The room was full of doctors, reps, and others and the procedure was being recorded. Since this was the 1st time doing this case in the US, it was obviously the 1st time Felicia had scrubbed a case like this. I think this would make the best of Techs, no matter how long on their job, just a tad anxious. However, even with the commotion, Felicia still taught me, as she was learning herself, how to scrub this procedure. To me, that is invaluable. To have a person who is ALWAYS willing to teach is one thing, but when it is ALWAYS done with such fortitude, grace, and enthusiasm, I believe that is a hard thing to come across.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Felicia Holding”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”felicia.holding@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”eva.mccullock@duke.edu”;}

  82. It is evident that Eva wears many hats while working in the OR. As a student, I have had to report to different “contacts” at each hospital site I have been to. Each morning, standing at the “board”, Eva would never fail to greet us students with a large smile. Whether there were call outs, scheduling issues, etc. Eva would make sure she greeted me with a smile and made sure I was in an OR that day where I would have an opportunity to learn. During my time at Durham Regional, I noticed that she wouldn’t be scared to jump into a preceptor position if needed in the middle of a case and always made sure everyone was doing okay throughout the day. Even though I am uncertain of all the responsibilities Eva carries throughout any given day, I do know she handled the role of being my “contact” better than anyone could have. For that, and for Eva, I am very thankful.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Eva McCullock”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”eva.mccullock@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”eva.mccullock@duke.edu”;}

  83. Because of Martha’s efforts to thoroughly audit and develop a team of auditors for the “Environment of Care” (under the Joint Commission), I am certain that Duke Hospital and all associated clinics have successfully survived the Joint Commission Surveys over the last 8 or 9 years! Martha brings a team of employees representing all safety divisions in addition to healthcare departments throughout the hospital and clinic settings to tackle the details that go into providing a safe environment for patients, visitors, and employees. Thanks, Martha, for your tireless energy and determination to have made this happen!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Martha Dorroh”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”dorro001@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”thoma010@mc.duke.edu”;}

  84. I just wanted to say thanks to all the folks in Duke Web Services who are quick to respond and deliver exceptional work … from developing the 17 sites that are part of the redesign of central administrative websites to assisting with the many design, development and systems issues that arise regularly. And for developing this site so that I can post a comment to show my appreciation.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:17:”Duke Web Services”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:”blackwell@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  85. Penny Hodgson sets a shining example of leadership by giving the DCRI Communications team a nurturing environment in which to thrive. She freely shares her knowledge and wealth of experience to enable the team to excel. She truly cares about her staff and fosters an extremely positive and open environment, not to mention fun. Trustworthiness, respect, diversity, learning, and teamwork are not only the hallmarks of Duke’s guiding principles, but they are also the hallmarks of Penny’s leadership style.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Penny Hodgson “;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:26:”patricia.hodgson@duke.edu “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:25:”david.smithwick@duke.edu “;}

  86. Leroy Kithcart of Housekeeping Operations is my unsung hero of Smith Warehouse. The pride Leroy takes in everything he does is just amazing. One example, you may ask Leroy to help you with a spot on the floor at your desk and he will get all of the spots regardless. Whenever you see Leroy, he is smiling and ready to give you a big hug. I have been so blessed to have met Leroy. Thank you Leroy, my dear friend for all your efforts and kindness.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Leroy Kithcart”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”timothy.adams@duke.edu”;}

  87. Sheronda is a Senior Cashier at the Cashier office located in Smith Warehouse. She is always very helpful in responding to my emails in regards to student checks being ready for pickup. Sheronda is a pleasant person and makes me feel welcome when visiting the Cashier’s office. Thank you Sheronda!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Sheronda Toomer”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”sheronda.toomer@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  88. Sandra is a Senior Accounting Clerk at the Cashier Office in Smith Warehouse. She is very helpful and responds quickly to my emails regarding checks for students. I appreciate her timeliness and detail to her work. Thank you Sandra!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Sandra Dunn”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”sandra.dunn@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  89. This morning we had scheduled a New Manager’s Orientation at DRH, and we had failed to order refreshements before hand. We (DRH-HR) have been super busy with Employee Apreciation Week and getting materials ready for the orientation, that it slipped our minds. I at the last minute ran down to Food & Nutrition and put in a request. Though Ann Dawson and Linda Gardler were super busy preparing for other catering orders took the time to put together a tray of refreshments for our new managers at DRH. They went above and beyond to help our team look good and provided me with excellent customer service! Food & Nutrition/Catering should not go unrecognized for ALL the hard work they do for our employees and patients here at DRH. I just wanted to send a BIG THANK YOU their way!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:28:”Ann Dawson and Linda Gardler”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:44:”rosa.dawson@duke.edu, linda.gardler@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”andrew.hennis@duke.edu”;}

  90. Steven Wilson is unfailingly professional, patient, and polite, even when I ask him the same thing several times. He responds to all my requests quickly, despite his incredibly heavy workload. My job is easier because he does his job so very well.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Steven Wilson”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:”steven.wilson@duke.edu “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:25:”stacey.mccorison@duke.edu”;}

  91. Stacey is a remarkable problem-solver with an unflappably positive attitude. She has made the impossible happen for me at least twice this month. I am humbled by her devotion to her staff, the medical students, and Duke.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:16:”Stacey McCorison”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:25:”stacey.mccorison@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”buckl002@mc.duke.edu”;}

  92. We would like to recognize all of the support that OIT Systems (SSI) provides for Duke Web Services and the broader Duke community. They are responsive, helpful and innovative – all wrapped into one brilliant Linux team. You guys rock!!

    – Duke Web Services (aka squeaky wheel)HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:33:”OIT – “Awesome Great Sysadmins””;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:25:”csi-linux-admins@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:13:”ej36@duke.edu”;}

  93. Duke Web Services would like to recognize Kim Zebrowski for 10 years of hard work and dedication. She has demonstrated impeccable work ethic, patience and quilting wizardry.

    We will miss you, Kim.

    – Blyth, Jenn, Ryn, Ben K, Ben S, Bap13, and Xtina.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Kim Zebrowski”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:16:”kzebrow@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  94. Renee Adkins, Thank You for making the Night of Duke Stars event such a success. You worked a veritable miracle in ensuring that the PGIV parking deck and adjacent lot was ready and available for our event – which began at 5 p.m.! It was seamless and greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Frank Currie and George Williams for the wonderful directional signs.
    You told us to let you do the worrying and you would make it work. You did more than that – you made it seem effortless.

    ~Staff & Family Programs
    HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:46:”Renee’ Adkins and Special Events Parking Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:72:”renee.adkins@duke.edu, frank.currie@duke.edu, george.h.williams@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”sam.veraldi@duke.edu”;}

  95. Janice, thank you for all of your assistance with the Night of Duke Stars event. As always, your efforts behind the scenes helped make our event a success. Thanks for all you do.

    ~Staff & Family Programs
    HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Janice Daniel”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”janice.daniel@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”jim.slaughter@duke.edu”;}

  96. A big thank you to Marcy, Lindsay, Tracy, Lyle and the University Ticket Box Office staff. Thanks for helping to make our event a success. We appreciate all of your efforts.

    ~Staff & Family Programs
    HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:44:”Marcy Edenfield, Tracy Brown, Lindsay Parker”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:71:”marcy.edenfield@duke.edu, tracy.brown@duke.edu, lindsay.parker@duke.edu“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”chuck.cattoti@duke.edu”;}

  97. Sharena Sutton

    My husband had an appt with Dr. Inman set up for June 30th for a new problem. We were both very anxious – more so because the appt was scheduled 6 weeks from initially seeing our PCP for the problem. She was very kind and worked hard to get our appt moved up to a much earlier date. Thank you very much Sharena.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Sharena Sutton”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:42:”Sharena S Sutton/Urology/Surgery/mc/Duke, “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:29:”Cheryl Conway/Surgery/mc/Duke”;}

  98. On Monday April 19, I was conducting a site initiation/training visit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and encountered malware that McAfee did not remove. After I returned to the hotel, I e-mailed the SOM Helpdesk and received a prompt response from Tim Rice. Even though it was almost 6pm, Tim called me through SKYPE and just hearing a familiar voice assuring me that the virus could be removed/my presentation saved was PRICELESS. Thank you Tim for supporting Duke School of Medicine employees — even those halfway around the world.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:8:”Tim Rice”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:17:”Tim.Rice@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”ahmad006@mc.duke.edu”;}

  99. Mrs. Mayfield, just wanted to give a BIG thank you on behalf of the class and myself for being a great, inspirational instructor. Your dedication and experience in pediatrics/ maternal nursing is exemplified in the classroom setting and your commitment to our continued success. You have become a personal role model and I can only try to follow your example when I become a nurse.

    Thank you,
    LaTina McGeeHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Myrtle Mayfield”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”myrtle.mayfield@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  100. Abe Lewis is just awesome! We send him a BIG Thanks for all his help and effort in working with us on t-shirt order for our staff appreciation gifts at the CHC and Lenox Baker. Abe is absolutely our go-to person at the Searle Center Bookstore when we need to order anything. He’s not only extremely helpful, but gets things done in amazing quick fashion! Abe is quite the jokester and is such fun to work with, which helps when we’re done to the wire with orders. We appreciate you Abe, and thanks for making a difference for us! Rene’, Erica, Rayna and SharonHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:9:”Abe Lewis”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:”abe.lewis@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  101. Lisa Powell, our Accountant for the CHC and Lenox Baker, is due a HUGE thank you from our team. She’s the one who not only helps with budget and finance issues throughout the year (and does a tremendous job with that!), but also makes such a difference on a daily basis for so many things. She’s been around quite awhile, so it such a great reference for most anything we need help with. And she goes above and beyond by doing it with a smile and positive attitude. We do appreciate you, Lisa, and are so glad you’re on our team! Rene’, Erica, Rayna, Traci, SharonHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Lisa Powell”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”powel045@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:28:”christopher.samples@duke.edu”;}

  102. Susan Page, a Patient Resource Manager, always ends her phone calls and discussions with patients and families like this: “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Or she asks, “What else can I do to help you?” Patients’ families think she’s wonderful, because she is so genuine, helpful, and caring. Thank you for being a superb role model.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Susan Page”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:36:”Susan S Page/PCSAdmin/PCS/mc/Duke@mc”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:36:”Mary O’Brien Barrington/MCS/mc/Duke”;}

  103. I want to take the time to thank Darry Conner in the Department of Radiology for her tireless efforts in assisting me in accurate record keeping. It’s a pleasure to have her as a coworker. She goes beyond what is required of her to get her job done on behalf of others and I appreciate her industriousness.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:24:”Darlene “Darry” Conner”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”conne009@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”sykes012@mc.duke.edu”;}

  104. Just wanted to tell you what a great job Mr Eddy, who works in Resource Distribution, did last week when we were desperate for PCA pumps! I realize it was not his job per say, but he went above and beyond going to each unit looking for PCAs. He is a great attribute to the DUHS. I have never seen him in a bad mood! He always has a smile on his face no matter how much work is before him!


    Jonnie Blount, RN Clinical Lead PACUHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Edward Eddy”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”edward.eddy@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:”robert.price@duke.edu”;}

  105. I would like to take this moment and let Dianne know that her infectious and joyful behavior is always welcome on any given day. She is a joker and doesn’t even realize how funny she is. Her presence and attitude is a plus!!!!!!!!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Dianne Maamari”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”maama001@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:12:”Glenn Martin”;}

  106. The security staff did a wonderful job with helping traffic control and being present doing the City of Medicine School activititesHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:18:”secuity department”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:30:”The evening staff for secuityt”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:17:”p.cooper@duke.edu”;}

  107. Linda has done a wonderful job again. A job well done with her assistance. Planning for the City of Medicine reception. Everthing was greatHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Linda Gardler”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:”Linda.M.Gardler@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:”Andrew.hennis@duke.edu”;}

  108. I want to recognize all the staff who work at night in the hospital for doing a great job and keeping things running smoothly through the nights.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:19:”All the night staff”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  109. This appreciation goes out to the office of Staff and Labor Relations for surviving the increased volume with amazing style and grace.

    Thank you.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:25:”Staff and Labor Relations”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:”denise.evans@duke.edu”;}

  110. NESCent would like to recognize the wonderful administrative/logistical staff for their meritorious service to NESCent. Barbara Mitchell recently coordinated two renovation projects with amazing attention to detail. Danielle Wilson and Stephanie Risbon provide outstanding logistical support to our working groups. Candace Brown is to be congratulated for her recent promotion as the Administrative Assistant to our new Director, Allen Rodrigo. A huge “thank you” to all they do for NESCent!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:70:”Barbara Mitchell, Danielle Wilson, Stephanie Risbon, and Candace Brown”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:17:”mitchelb@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:”a.rodrigo@nescent.org”;}

  111. Thanks Lucas for so readily sharing all of your technical expertise and experimental advice to all of us in the Petes lab! We are going to miss you terribly when you leave for your own faculty position this summer.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Lucas Argueso”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”lucas.argueso@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  112. I have worked with Carol for a few years, but more closely in the last year. In preparing for the Vascular Surgery Fellowship accreditation site visit, Carol not only helped me in every facet of preparing for the visit, but also sent encouraging emails and gave me a supply of chocolate the day of the visit. Every time I needed something or needed her to do something regarding the visit, she did so without hesitation and promptly.

    Thank you, Carol for all you did for me and the program.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Carol Fisher”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:”carol.fisher@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:25:”cynthia.shortell@duke.edu”;}

  113. Whenever I enter the Gothic Bookstore, all staff members are extremely friendly and helpful. Today, I would like to point out the support of William (Bill) Verner who I could confront with the oddest inquiries (e.g. “I’m looking for that novel with something like Italy and something with food in the title… and I don’t know the author…”), and who will make the greatest effort to find the information I am looking for. Although not always successful regarding my requests – most probably due to my vague descriptions – I barely ever leave without a good book in my hands. So, this “thumbs up” goes out to Bill and his fellow workers at the Gothic Bookstore!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”William Verner”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:”gothic@notes.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  114. Karen works tirelessly every day to make sure that NESCent runs flawlessly. We are very fortunate to have such a multi-talented individual working with us. When people ask what she does here at NESCent I just sum it up with one word, “EVERYTHING.” If you need to know something about NESCent, she is the one to see. Karen- You ROCK!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Karen Henry”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:”khenry@nescent.org”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”internal@nescent.org”;}

  115. I would like to take this opportunity to recogize the greatest team in the world. This team always steps up and rises to every challenge. They make my job as team lead a breeze. I shine because they stand with me willingly, working hard on a daily basis which allows us as a group to reach our goals. I enjoy coming to work because they make life at work pleasant and enjoyable. Kudos to the Outpatient Pre-Registration Team.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:32:”Outpatient Pre-Registration Team”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:”fred.collier@duke.edu”;}

  116. I just want to take a moment to recognize Appointment Coordinator Martha Silver. I have to call daily to make appointments for patients and actually find myself wishing Martha will answer because she is an absolute DELIGHT to talk to. She is very courteous, knowledgable, and makes sure I have all the information I need. And she ALWAYS asks me “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” which makes all the difference in the world. She is a true example of a DUKE employee! So Martha, if you’re reading this, keep up the outstanding work and thank you for all you do!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Martha Silver”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:”silver02@mc.duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:”dezer002@mc.duke.edu”;}

  117. I would like to recognize my supervisor, Amy Barbee, in the Social Science Research Institute. She is definitely one of the best supervisors I have ever had. She goes above and beyond for SSRI and all those that work there. Consistently coming up with solutions for issues and always being a team player. She has also been very helpful and understanding whenever I had personal issues arise and it is just extremely great to see a supervisor who truly and genuinely cares about her employees.

    Thank you Amy, for being you!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Amy Barbee”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:16:”abarbee@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  118. Clara is the best friend, worker, prayer partner/spiritual guidance, and team player I have ever come across. She truly devotes herself to her work and even though I do not directly work with her I can see that she goes above and beyond. There is not a better person that anyone could work with or a better employee that anyone could have. She makes time for people, tries to make them feel as comfortable as possible, and can communicate with just about anyone.

    Thank you Clara for who you are!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:19:”Clara Holder-Taylor”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:14:”cbh14@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”jamilah.taylor@duke.edu”;}

  119. Tina Wilkins

    Dear Tina,
    Welcome back to work, we really missed you! We don’t say thank you enough for all that you do for the lab, but we are sincerely grateful for your dedication, professionalism and wonderful presence! And we especially appreciate your delicious pies 😉 With many thanks from the Heitman labHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Tina Wilkins”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:”Tina.Wilkins@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:18:”heitm001@duke.edu>”;}

  120. Susan Lasley

    I am always telling Susan how wonderful she is. She knows whenever I’m working on a grant that she will be hearing from me!! She is always pleasant and regardless of how often I bug her (which I know I do), I can always hear a smile in her voice! Now I can let everyone know how much I’m glad she is my contact in ORS! THANKS SUSAN FOR ALL YOU DO!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Susan Lasley”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:16:”slasley@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”judith.dillon@duke.edu “;}

  121. Scott Greiner is my IT “go to” guy in the Department of Surgery. He is unfailingly helpful, pleasant, and NEVER complains about my IT ignorance. He is always responsive, solves my problems promptly, and explains the issues. THANK YOU, Scott!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Scott Greiner”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:”scott.greiner@duke.edu”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  122. We have 35 assistants for the support of the research/clinical faculty at the DCRI. This team has dedicated themselves to excellence and professionalism. More importantly, they have learned to trust each other, watch out for each other and pitch in when needed. The level of teamwork, sharing of expertise and ability to diffuse problems is exceptional. They may go home tired, but rarely stressed due to their creation of a safe atmosphere in which they work. I am awed by their continued growth and dedication.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:26:”DCRI-Faculty Support Staff”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:”kristen.oberry@duke.edu”;}

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