Compliment A Colleague

Take time to recognize a colleague at Duke for making a difference.  If a Duke faculty or staff member has gone above and beyond the expectations of his or her job to help you,  a customer or a coworker, let him or her know how much you appreciate the effort. Your words of appreciation will be posted on this blog for others in the Duke community to read. Your words of appreciation will be posted on this blog throughout the year for others in the Duke community to read.

36 thoughts on “Compliment A Colleague

  1. With fewer staff and more work all around, even moderate increases in traffic can threaten the effectiveness of a team. Jorge has been instrumental in maintaining the high level of customer service for which the OIT Service Desk is known. His generous assistance affirms my belief that teamwork is essential and working at Duke hold rewards higher than just a paycheck.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:16:”Jorge Rios-Marti”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:14:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:15:””;}

  2. Teddy,
    We in the Morris lab would like to thank you for all the smiles, Hello My Friends, and general joy you bring to our lab. We don’t say it enough but we really appreciate all you do for us.
    Your Friends in the Morris labHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Teddy Williams”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:41:”theodore.williams/support/hospadm/mc/duke”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:44:”angela.carrington/support/hospadm/mc/duke@mc”;}

  3. Here’s a big thanks to Greg, our web-master, who continued to answer questions about our HR Website even when he was home with his new baby!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:16:”Gregory Whitaker”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:25:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:””;}

  4. An email received from a sales representative that came to our building for a sales appointment with a member of our staff. Betty greeted and extended the kindness that she extends to all guests. We all know how busy each day is, for someone to take the time to send an email of appreciation is a wonderful compliment to Betty. Well done Betty!

    Dear Betty,
    Thank you for one of the best receptions I have ever received on a Research Campus. I am not just flattering you…honestly, it was such a pleasure. Thank you for showing me how it is done with class!

    Very thankfully yours,HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:25:”Betty Anderson-Strickland”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:16:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:18:””;}

  5. I just wanted to say that I have just completed my first year at my current position which is housed at the Franklin Center and couldnt have done this without you all.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:63:”Kelly Jarrett & Disc Natalie Hartman and CLACS and people at FC”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:27:”;“;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  6. Mrs Helms is coworker that everyone would love to have. Her knowledge of all aspects of her job is exemplorary. Her leadership qualities and cheery outlook keep the department on level ground. She is the “to go girl.”
    All of her patients remember her for her kind and gentle ways. She is a caring employee and they remember by name. She take extra time with them and helps them with needs outside of Our department.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Colleen Helms”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  7. I would like to recognize Richard Holcomb for his partnership and guidance during the 2011 University Salary Administration process. Richard’s dedication and attention to the minute details of the process is a real asset and I want to say THANK YOU !HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Richard Holcomb”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:””;}

  8. Just wanted to give a shout out for Valerie! She went above the call. She cleaned the break room refrigerator. She just did it! She knew it was in bad shape and I appreciate her efforts to keep our break room clean. Thanks Girl!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Valerie Mace”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:””;}

  9. I want to give kudo’s to Larry Perry, PCA in the operating room. He was invaluble in getting our cysto case completed. He stood and held pressure on the patients abdomen for over 30 minutes, allowing the surgeon to be able to reach the tumor area. He had to hold steady pressure with no movement due to the surgeon resecting. Our standard length cystoscope could not reach the area due to patient size and location of tumor. Larry was our secret weapon to a successful operation.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Larry Perry”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:””;}

  10. Channa Pickett

    Channa went above and beyond in keeping me in the loop on important projects over the past 9 months. She is so organized and so committed to her job. I feel honored to work with her.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Channa Pickett”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:16:”Phail Wynn, Jr. “;}

  11. Sean Aery in the Digital Projects section at Perkins Library really makes a difference. He has helped us out so many times I can’t even begin to count. If I ever have a question, he always seems to have the solution.

    There are so many great things about Sean. He is very patient, he can talk to you about technical issues on your own level so you understand it and don’t feel silly. He is always pleasant, always willing to help in a pinch, and does some amazing work for the library. And he is just the nicest person to work with.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:9:”Sean Aery”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:””;}

  12. Christina,

    I just wanted to say thank you one more time for all your hard work this week. I know how much you had to get through and you did it all in friendly hospitable way. I know I can always count on you for a quick response.

    RobertHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:17:”Christina Steward”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:26:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:””;}

  13. Mairo is a supervisor at DHCH who makes a difference every day.
    Whatever the situation, she will always step up to assist with coming up with a solution. The challenges, and changes that we are all experiencing do not dampen Mairo. She see’s each situation as a challenge. Thank you Mairo. You positive can do attitude each day, sets the tone for what we can achieve. It is a pleasure having you on the team.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Mairo Bori”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:19:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:””;}

  14. I wanted to thank Ivy for displaying the behaviors of a dynamite team member. When my family was in need, due to fraudulent charges on my account, Ivy came through and covered us for gas, food and my daughters birthday present! You brought a smile to me and my family during a very stressful time! Thank you!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Ivy Hester”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:19:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:29:”Kathy Gattis or Cyndi Stanley”;}

  15. I wanted to thank Maxine for being an excellent team member. When my family and I were going through a very stressful event, fraudulent charges on my account, my cell phone was turned off. Maxine surprised us and helped get my cell phone turned back on !!! My family and I thank you, especially Sonny (my husband) who worried for two days with me driving 35 mmiles a day with no emergency cell phone. We Thank you!
    Never stop displaying your shining kindness.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Maxine Rheder”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:30:”Kathy Gattis and Cyndi Stanley”;}

  16. Lori takes time to make parents of our premature infants feel confident to take care of their babies. It is often very intimidating for the parents to step into direct care because for so long they have stood by and primarily watched the nurse care for their child. She is so encouraging to families to be “the one” who can do it best! I am proud to work with her in the Intensive Care Nursery! She is a great team player!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:9:”Lori Cain”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:18:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:””;}

  17. As a new employee, I called Duke HR to clarify how to use my daughter’s health insurance before her card was issued. The first employee I spoke to said basically “oh, too bad, you’ll have to file for reimbursement” — even though the expense was going to be over $400! I asked to speak to someone else, and this amazing woman Gillian Ellis not only solved the issue immediately, but volunteered to stay past her quitting time in order to make sure I didn’t have problems at the pharmacy. I really appreciated it, and think that she deserves kudos for this.
    BetsyHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:22:”Jill in HR at 681-4355″;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:1:”?”;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:7:”Duke HR”;}

  18. Many, many, many thanks to John Owens in the OIT for helping me get up and running (both with my office computer and my cellular phone). John answers all of my questions with a smile and goes the extra mile to make sure that our office is running smoothly. Thanks, John!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”John Owens”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:19:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  19. I just wanted to recognize Karen Slingwine in the ER department for the great care of my wife when she was in the ER once in February and again in March. She remembered us from the previous visit, and she was diligent in managing my wife’s pain, when it took several different types of pain management to alleviate it. She was sweet and caring, and is a good type of person to have in the ER.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Karen Slingwine”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  20. I am so appreciative of the care and skill that Shannon Robinson does in the course of her job. She knows what she is doing and she is excellent at it. She should give lessons to others. Thank you very much!

    Robyn L.MillerHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:16:”Shannon Robinson”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:27:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:26:””;}

  21. I would like to give public kudos to Dr. John Keifer, Anesthesiologist in the Duke North operating room. Dr. Keifer is one of the most wonderful intelligent physicians I have worked with in my 30+ year career. Dr. Keifer consistently goes the extra mile in every aspect of his job duties. Dr. Keifer treats every single patient with superior respect and care, and leaves no stone unturned in providing them with the very best anesthestic one could receive. It is as if each patient is one of his own family members, and there is truly no difference in the care he gives to any person, whether they are prestigious and famous,or a street person. There are many days when I just marvel and smile watching him work his magic. He has an remarkable tenacious endurance, a calm knowlegable approach, and is the person you want to have around when things are not going as well as they could or should be. In addition to the his superb exemplary care, he readily shares his thoughts and knowledge with other team members (though I do not think that this is a conscious effort on his part). This makes him an exceptionally naturally talented teacher, and often raises the bar on how the entire operating room team functions. If you asked any person who has has ever worked with Dr. Keifer, they would tell you exactly the same thing because he performs at this level continuously and consistently. I am very proud to work with many of the excellent colleagues I have, but Dr. Keifer truely stands out, and deserves recognition. Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do every day Dr. John Keifer!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:15:”Dr. John Keifer”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:38:”John C Keifer/Anesthesiology/mc/Duke, “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:37:”Mark F Newman/Anesthesiology/mc/Duke,”;}

  22. Rita did a wonderful job helping me. I am a new employee and she presented a great ‘welcome to the labs’ orientation. She offered me helpful advice in understanding the duke pay system. She also followed through on the promise to help fix any issues we, as new employees, had – even though she was overworked at the time due to absences. I really appreciated her caring attitude and follow through. Thanks, Rita!!!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Rita Winsor”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  23. Jenna El Hafez
    Working in the financial world can be so stressful and mind boggling but there is one person that I must say always finds an answer to my questions when I call or e-mail. She is so kind, energetic, and a pleasure to speak with. Thank you Jenna for always being on top of the game. You are simply the best of the best.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Jenna El Hafez”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:” “;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:” “;}

  24. I want to thank Sonya for her consistent willingness to help out when we’ve been short-staffed!! She’s proactive seeking out opportunities to help her coworkers and does so willingly! She’s been a great help in our division and I very much appreciate all she does! Many thanks Sonya!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Sonya Cameron”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:19:””;}

  25. I just want to give a special thanks to Kim for all the hard work she does. Your help is more than appreciated, you are a great team player and always lead by example.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”Kim Debaun”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  26. Ann and I would like to thank Mamie for always being extra supportive and helpful throughout the hospital, but especially for going Above & Beyond in assisting in catering clean ups and cafe tray returns. She is not only a TRUE TEAM PLAYER, but always goes the extra mile with a smile on her face and love in her heart. Thank you so much Mamie, you are the best!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Mamie Williams”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:24:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:24:””;}

  27. The physician liaisons would like to formally recognize Dr. Michael Ferrandino for his outstanding commitment to patients and accessiblity to referring physicians in the communities surrounding Duke. His dedication to providing immediate access for kidney stone patients is unwavering and has changed commmunity perception about availablity and ease of access of Duke Urology services. Despite a hectic schedule, he continues to be responsive to our needs and the needs of the patients that have been given a voice through our work. We salute his efforts and appreciate the collaboration we share. Great teamwork, Dr. Ferrandino!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:22:”Dr. Michael Ferrandino”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:27:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:138:”,,,,christine,”;}

  28. Susan Stewart

    I am extremely grateful for all of the excellent service that I have received from Susan Stewart in the Parking Office. Susan is one of the kindest people that I have ever known. I always felt that working in the Parking Office had to be a tough job since the Parking Office employees have to deal with all of the personalities and frustrations of almost everyone that has to park on campus. Susan has always been very kind, accommodating and understanding every time that I have requested her assistance. Thank you Susan for being a perfect example of how everyone should treat each other. You are the best!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Susan Stewart”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:25:” “;}

  29. I would like to recognize and thank Kevin Brinn from Facilities Management for his ingenuity! While doing an install for a faculty office, Kevin took the time to listen to my idea and then took it upon himself to configure a workable solution with the items we had on hand! He not only solved the problem but he also saved us money. Kevin went above and beyond his assigned task and I am truly appreciative.HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:11:”Kevin Brinn”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:20:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:21:””;}

  30. I would like to give a huge kudos to Charles Rogers in Equip. Dis. for his excellent and prompt work! He is always dependable and very helpful. He goes above and beyond for patient care needs and service. I look forward to seeing him because I know that the work will get done! He is TRULY a key team player in his department! Thanks Charles!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Charles Rogers”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:31:”Tony B Reeves/ClinEng/mc/Duke, “;}

  31. We at the Hyperbaric center would like to thank and recognize Patricia Shepherd (Emergency Department Charge Nurse) for her wonderful customer service to us and to our patients. On Saturday, Septemeber 11, we notified Patti we were returning a family of 4 patients to the emergency department for discharge after their treatment was completed at 5:30 pm. This family had not eaten since the day before. Patti was most pleasant to us as we handed off these patients in her care, she mobilized her nurses to tend to each patient and arranged to feed them while they waited for their ride to go home. Thank you Patti for your most wonderful attitude while providing care to these patients and for your pleasant professionalism in helping us maintain continuity of care of our patients as they exit our system. In the words of one of young patients “you guys have been so nice to us”…Thank you !! Rebecca Padilla RNHRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:17:”Patricia Shepherd”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:26:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:20:””;}

  32. I would like to recognize Robert Dunston for “Making a Difference award”. Robert is a Surgical Attendant at Davis Ambulatory Surgical Center who is deserving of this award everyday! He is a very hard worker and provides excellant customer service to his patients, nursing staff, and surgeons. He is very dependable and conscientious. Also he will volunteer to stay late when we have OR rooms running late and will not leave until all female staff has left for their safety. Robert is a GREAT asset to DASC!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Robert Dunston”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:23:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:45:”,“;}

  33. I want to take a moment and recognize the fabulous team that I work with in the PACU. The nurses here are amazing, meeting every new challenge with terrific effort and teamwork. We care for a hugely diverse popluation from pediatrics to geriatrics, ambulatory to ICU, neuro to uro. The HUC’s are a huge resource and keep up with all the details, while our transporters perform trips and clips all day long and are happy to help out with other things when needed. Our EVS folks do a great job of keeping up with the OR flow, and Callie is always available to help keep the PACU moving, and gets the job done. Our management will take on patient care, and address issues that arise. I am lucky every day to work with such a large group of awesome professionals! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our patients and our team!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:10:”PACU staff”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  34. I just wanted to acknowledge the exceptional customer service provided by Jill today. She was assisting an employee who needed guidance on an issue. Throughout her meeting, Jill remained calm, listened and responded professionally by making a phone call on the employee’s behalf! This certainly goes above and beyond! This level of service made the employee feel more at ease and appreciative. Thanks to Jill for her strong commitment to helping others!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:13:”Gillian Ellis”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:0:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:0:””;}

  35. I just want to recognize Jenna for always providing OUTSTANDING customer service when I need assistance. She is always very helpful and knowledgable, even when I can tell she is very busy. She goes above and beyond in explaining policies and procedures and takes extra time to explain the SAP screens. It’s always a pleasure speaking with her. Great job Jenna!! Keep up the good work!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:14:”Jenna El Hafez”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:22:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:23:””;}

  36. In trying to obtain insurance authorization for a patient, Anna went above and beyond the requirements. She researched the problem and placed many phone calls in an Herculean effort towards resolution. In what became an increasingly frustrating situation for us, Anna remained composed, disciplined and patient. I was impressed by her drive to achieve excellence and her compassion for the patient. All customer service personnel should look to her as an example. Thank you for all your help, Anna!HRCUSTOMCOMMENTFIELDSa:3:{s:19:”comment_person_name”;s:12:”Anna Turchio”;s:20:”comment_person_email”;s:21:””;s:24:”comment_supervisor_email”;s:22:””;}

Comments are closed.