The parallels

The parallels

Kim Stanley Robinson’s book Green Earth was a very good book. As discussed in class it was very interesting and disturbing to see the parallels between the book and what is actually happening in the United States. As I was reading the book I was imaging everything that was happening and had the urge to change what was happening now with the Trump administration. As we analyzed and discussed what was happening with the NSF and EPA I was a bit enraged. For one the NSF should not be political. There are not two sides to everything in science. That is like saying that there are two sides to the fact that water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. There are only facts in science. There are possibilities i.e. hypothesis but from a hypothesis all of the outcomes are either proven true are false. However, the problem with having a governmental organization is that it needs funding. In this case scientific research projects are very expensive. In order to have these expensive experiments funded people need to have the ability to argue both sides of the problem. For example, people need to be able to argue that there is science both supporting and denying climate change. Despite the plethora of scientific research stating that climate change is indeed happening, the government needs to help both parties. This all at the expensive of the tax payer which is even worse. People are unknowingly supporting research that is both falsified and not needed. The only way to stop this is by increasing awareness of what Trump has done.

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