Mapping a Topic


Mapping a Topic

Description This is a brainstorming activity to allow students to think about aspects of their topic that they may need to explore in their research. The map prompts students to think about the who, what, where, when components of their topic, as well as asking them to think broadly and narrowly on aspects of their topic that they might want to research.
  1. Show students an example of a completed topic map (see example below) on something related to class
  2. Pass out worksheet and ask students to take 10 minutes brainstorming connections between their core topic area and the related sub-topics & and specific details they may need to explore in their research
  3. As a class, work through one example from a student’s topic. Ask other
    students to give feedback
  4. Ask students to keep the worksheet, so they can add to it during the class
Tags  Refining-topic; In-class
Time  20 minutes
Attachments noun_229116Mapping a Topic Worksheet; noun_204955Mapping a Topic (example)