A good note-taking strategy can make a BIG difference!
Create Space
If you use a notebook, use one side for the notes you take in class, and leave the other side blank to use as your processing space after class. If you type out your notes, annotate areas you want to go back to review or add in additional information later.
Use Color
Color can help your focus, attention, and visual processing.
Use colors to create a code to track mechanisms in chemistry or biochemistry reactions, visualize aspects of a molecule or molecular pathway, or differentiate what parts of a brain or system do and how they do it. Color can create a visual key for you to reference.
Use Visuals
A visual note-taking style provides memory cues.
- Use bullet points to isolate characteristics
Use arrows → to show connections and flow
Underline important terms
Star** something you want to come back to or highlight
Use your margins: add timestamps, put checks √ in the margin when you understand a problem or a question mark ? when you feel lost
- Use bullet points to isolate characteristics
Be Creative
Use creativity when taking notes. You stay more engaged and you can track and monitor your understanding. It also gives you a quick visual reference to quickly find something, identify your gaps, or see where you need to add in more detail.
You're not done with your notes yet!
There is important work to be done with your notes after class.