Podcast: Prof. Adam Oler on “War Again – The Middle East and the Conflict in Context”

Although today’s podcast by Lawfire® contributor Adam Oler comes from last February’s 29th Annual National Security Law Conference, it could not be more timely as it addresses the history of conflict in the Middle East at the very moment more violence is, tragically, expected.

In introducing his presentation, “War Again – The Middle East and the Conflict in Context,” Adam describes what you will hear:

“What I am trying to do here over the course of the next half hour, 40 minutes is give you some historical context about where the struggle came from, what’s going on– a few early lessons from the war that’s going on, and where we’re headed, and try to do it from an American/US perspective.”

That is really an understatement.  What Adam provides is a truly magnificent tour de force.  In fact, I defy anyone to show me a less than an hour presentation that is more informative on the complex history of the troubled region.   The clarity and incisiveness of Adam’s presentation is simply without peer.  Everyone ought to see this one.

Again, you can listen/watch this presentation here.

Don’t miss these other podcasts from LENS’ 29th Annual Conference :

My fireside chat with CIA General Counsel Kate Heinzelman can found here.

Brig. Gen. Linell Letendre’s presentation “Guardians of Code and Conscience: Exploring Legal and Ethical Frontiers of Generative AI” is found here.

Col (Ret.) Dawn Zoldi’s presentation “Domestic Drones and National Security,” is found here.

Dean Cheng’s presentation “Update on China: Lawfare, Technology and More” is found here.

Gary Corn on “Attacking Big Data: Strategic Competition, the Race for AI, and Cyber Sabotageis found here.

BG David Mendelson on “LOAC in 21st Century Battlespaces” found here.

Prof. Bobby Bishop’s ‘fireside chat,’ “Business and American National Security: A Conversation with SEC Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw” is found here. 

Our panel discussion of “Maritime Law and Global Security” is found here.

Our panel discussion on “Emerging Challenges of Space Law” is found here.

Major Melissa Ken’s presentation on “Protecting  Constitutional Rights in Domestic Terrorism Cases” is found here.


The views expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker and do not reflect the official policy or position of the National Defense University, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.

Unless otherwise indicated, Conference speakers are expressing their personal opinions, and not necessarily those of their employer (to include the U.S. government), the Center of Law, Ethics and National Security, Duke University, or any other person or entity (see also here)

Remember what we like to say on Lawfire®: gather the facts, examine the law, evaluate the arguments – and then decide for yourself!


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