Podcast: Dawn Zoldi on “Domestic Drones and National Security”

Concerned about the proliferation of drones, but aren’t sure you know enough about them?  Do you want a better idea of the law concerning their use domestically?  Is anything being done to address the threat they could pose?  If any of those questions resonate with you, you’ll want to watch the podcast we’re highlighting today. 

As Lawfire® readers know, we are in the process of posting videos from the recently completed 29th Annual National Security Law Conference sponsored by Duke’s Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS), and I’m very pleased to tell you we now have the video, Domestic Drones and National Security, available. 

Colonel Zoldi, USAF (Ret.)

This fabulous  presentation is by my friend and popular LENS conference speaker (not to mention Lawfire® contributor!) retired Air Force Colonel Dawn Zoldi.

Dawn is an award-winning expert on drones who has an unbelievable ability to translate both technical and legal issues into language understandable to everyone. 

Attendees raved about this presentation, and many said it was a conference favorite – much, I believe, because of the wealth of information Dawn so clearly and effectively conveyed.  I can almost guarantee you that as you listen to her presentation you’ll repeatedly say to yourself, “wow, I really didn’t know that!” 

In less than 40 minutes, Dawn explains how the drone ‘business’ has mushroomed dramatically.  She describes the potential threats, and the technical and regulatory efforts to mitigate the threats.  You may be especially interested in the rules that already exist as well as those on the proverbial drawing board.  Dawn’s on top of it all! 

Let me say this: everyone will benefit from watching this one, and those who own a drone (or plan to) will find it extremely useful.

The reality is that drones are everywhere these days, and it is vital that we understand where the technology is today, and where it is going.  Can the law keep up?  Check out this video!

Dawn’s podcast is found here (Unfortunately, there is a mic problem for the first 70 seconds, so you’ll have to read the onscreen transcript for a bit before you can hear the audio).

Don’t miss these other podcasts from LENS’ 29th Annual Conference :

My fireside chat with CIA General Counsel Kate Heinzelman can found here.

Brig. Gen. Linell Letendre’s presentation “Guardians of Code and Conscience: Exploring Legal and Ethical Frontiers of Generative AI” is found here.

As more podcasts from the Conference become available, they’ll be posted on Lawfire® so stay tuned! 

Unless otherwise indicated, Conference speakers are expressing their personal opinions, and not necessarily those of their employer (to include the U.S. government), the Center of Law, Ethics and National Security, Duke University, or any other person or entity (see also here)

Remember what we like to say on Lawfire®: gather the facts, examine the law, evaluate the arguments – and then decide for yourself!


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