Register now for Duke Law’s 2021 National Security Law conference!

Registration is now open for Duke’s Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) 26th Annual National Security Law conference to take place February 25-27.  Because of the pandemic, this year’s conference will be virtual (via Zoom)…but it will also be free!   (We’re hoping you’ll make a voluntary contribution to support LENS —you can donate here)

And, wow, if you take a look at the agenda (here) I think you’ll agree it’s a really terrific one!

As Lawfire readers you’ve seen desciptions of some of the speakers here and here.  I’ll bet you’ll want to hear from former Secretary of Defense, Gen Jim Mattis; former undersecretary of defense Michèle Flournoy; Chief of Staff of the Air Force,  Gen CQ Brown; Duke’s Gen Marty Dempsey; ABA President Trish Refo; Georgetown’s Rosa Brooks; AEI’s Kori Schake; Duke’s Peter Feaver; CIA’s Erin Wirtanen; Emory’s Laurie Blank; NDU’s Adam Oler; former DoD General Counsel Judith Miller; South Texas’s Geoff Corn;  Stockton Center’s Maj. Heather Tregle; Marine Corps University’s Jill Goldenzeil; the University’s of Richmond’s Rebecca Crootof; Duke’s Missy Cummings; Army JAG’s LTC Amy Nieman; Stimson’s Mallory Stewart,  Colorado State-Pueblo’s Dawn Zoldi; Army’s BG Patrick Huston, and other luminaries!

Again, the agenda is here and you can register here.  The webinar capacity is limited, so I encourage you to register as soon as possible.  I hope you can join us (and, for those of you teaching, please pass this info to your students!)

I hope you can join us!

Apologies if you’ve received duplicates of this post!

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