Two new LENS events for the spring

Lawfire readers already know that LENS’ annual national security law conference Cyber, Security & Surveillance: Truth & Consequences is set for February 24th and 25th, but may not know about two new events LENS has added to the schedule for the spring.

(BTW, the conference is filling up very rapidly, so if you haven’t registered, please do so now.  Also, last Friday the NC CLE authorities officially approved the conference for 9 hours of CLE, including one hour of ethics).

The first new event will take place on February 23rd (as kind of a conference “pre-event”).  Professor George Lucas will speak about his new book, Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare at 12:30 pm in Room 3041 of the Law School.  The public is invited, and pizza will be served.  No registration is required for this free event.

On March 7th the Center will host LTG Flora Darpino, the Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army at a luncheon at the Washington Duke at 12:30 pm.  General Darpino is the highest ranking military lawyer in the U.S. armed forces, and is a very engaging speaker.  This is a limited-seating, invitation-only event, but students who are interested in attending  should contact me 

Hope to see you at one or more of these!

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