- [66] Jörg Schöpf, Valentina Piva, Paul HM van Loosdrecht, Ionela Lindfors-Vrejoiu, Padraic Shafar, Divine P Kumah, Xuanyi Zhang, Lide Yao, Sebastian van Dijken, Tuning the interlayer coupling in La0. 7Sr0. 3Mn0. 95Ru0. 05O3/LaNiO3 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Physical Review Materials 8 (9), 094410) (September 2024) arXiv:2406.17432
- [65] M Baksi, DP Kumah, The structure of Ferroelectric BaBiO3/BaTiO3 Interfaces grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.17856 (June 2024)
- [64] X Zhang, A Al-Tawhid, P Schafer, Z Zhang, DP Kumah The role of interfacial interactions and oxygen vacancies in tuning magnetic anisotropy in LaCrO3/LaMnO3 heterostructures, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400243 (2024) arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.03764 (July 2024)
- [63] A Henriques, DMN Oliveira, M Baksi, M Naveed, WH Brito, J Larrea-Jimenéz, D Kumah, S Wirth, V Martelli, Thermal conductivity of Barium Bismuthate at low temperatures, New Physics: Sae Mulli 73, 1183 (2023) arXiv:2308.13681 (August 2023)
- [62]M Baksi, H Hong, DP Kumah, In-situ scattering studies of superconducting vacancy-ordered monoclinic TiO thin films Advanced Physics Research 2023 (2300086), 1-7 arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16973
- [61]Athby H Al-Tawhid, Samuel J Poage, Salva Salmani-Rezaie, Shalinee Chikara, David A Muller, Divine P Kumah, Maria N Gastiasoro, Jose Lorenzana, Kaveh Ahadi, Enhanced Critical Field of Superconductivity at an Oxide Interface Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 15, 6944–6950(July 2023) arXiv:2304.14426
- [60]Ankit Negi, Alejandro Rodriguez, Xuanyi Zhang, Andrew H. Comstock, Cong Yang,Dali Sun, Xiaoning Jiang, Divine Kumah, Ming Hu, and Jun Liu, Thickness-dependent thermal conductivity and phonon mean free path distribution in single-crystalline barium titanate. Advanced Science 2023, 2301273 (Adv. Sci.2023, 2301273)
- [59]Ankit Negi, Hwang Pill Kim, Zilong Hua, Anastasia Timofeeva, Xuanyi Zhang, Yong Zhu, Kara Peters, Divine Kumah, Xiaoning Jiang, Jun Liu, Ferroelectric Domain Wall Engineering Enabled Thermal Modulation in PMN‐PT Single Crystals, Advanced Materials adma.202211286 (2023)
- [58] Ethan G. Arnault, Athby H. Al-Tawhid, Salva Salmani-Rezaie, David A. Muller, Divine P. Kumah, Mohammad S. Bahramy, Gleb Finkelstein and Kaveh Ahadi, Anisotropic superconductivity at KTaO3(111) interfaces. Science Advances 9, eadf1414(2023)
- [57] N. Yang, X. Zhang, L. Reynolds, D. Kumah, C. Xu, The Role of Carbon Content: A Comparison of the Nickel Particle Size and Magnetic Property of Nickel/Polysiloxane-Derived Silicon Oxycarbide Advanced Engineering Materials 2023, 2201453 (January 2023)
- [56] AH Al-Tawhid, J Kanter, M Hatefipour, DP Kumah, J Shabani, K Ahadi. Coexistence of superconductivity and weak anti-localization at KTaO3 (111) interfaces. J. Electron. Mater.51, 6305–6309 (2022) arXiv:2109.09786 (August 2022)
- [55]Yasemin Ozbek, Cooper Brooks, Xuanyi, Zhang, Athby Al-Tawhid, Vladmir Stoica, Zhan Zhang, Divine P. Kumah, Superconducting Phase of TixOy Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Physical Review Materials 6 (6), 064805 (June, 2022) (arXiv:2203.01405)
- [54] Xuanyi Zhang, Aubrey N. Penn, Lena Wysocki, Zhan Zhang, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht, Lior Kornblum, James M. LeBeau, Ionela Lindfors-Vrejoiu, and Divine P. Kumah. Thickness and temperature dependence of the atomic-scale structure of SrRuO3 thin films. APL Materials 10, 051107 (April 2022); arXiv:2202.01652
- [53] T. Chen, K. Ahmadi-Majlan, Z. H. Lim, Z Zhang, J. H. Ngai, and D.P. Kumah. Effect of Buffer Termination on Intermixing and Conductivity in LaTiO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures Integrated on Si(100). J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 40, 013206 (2022) (Editor’s Pick); arXiv:2109.08586
- [52] A Penn, S Koohfar, D Kumah, J LeBeau, Combined iDPC and EELS analyses for quantifying oxygen vacancy concentration in LSMO Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (S1), 1196-1197 (2021)
- [51] A. H. Al-Tawhid, J. Kanter, M. Hatefipour, D. L. Irving, D. P. Kumah, J. Shabani, K. Ahadi, Oxygen vacancy-induced anomalous Hall effect in a non-magnetic oxide . J. Electron. Mater. 51, 7073–7077 (2022) arXiv:2109.08073 (2021)
- [50] A.H. Al-Tawhid, D.P. Kumah, K. Ahadi, Two-dimensional electron systems and interfacial coupling in LaCrO3/KTaO3 heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 192905 (2021)
- [49] S. Koohfar, Y. Ozbek, H. S. Bland, Z. Zhang, D. P. Kumah, Interface-driven magnetic anisotropy in relaxed La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures on MgO. J. Applied Physics 129, 055301 (2021); (arXiv:2010.07180 )
- [48] A. Alexandradinata et. al. The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem, arXiv:2010.00584 (October 2020)
- [47] E., I. VonWald, S. Yang, L. Yan, S. Koohfar, D. Kumah, Z.-G. Yu, W.You, and D. Sun, Tuning of spin-orbit coupling in metal-free conjugated polymers by structural conformation, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 085603, August (2020)
- [46] A. Al-Tawhid and D.P. Kumah, Correlating Polar Distortions and Interfacial Charge at the Polar/Non-polar LaCrO3/SrTiO3 (001) Interface AIP Advances 10, 045132 (2020)
- [45] A. Penn, S. Koohfar, D.P. Kumah and M. LeBeau, On the redistribution of charge in La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 multilayer thin films AIP Advances 10, 045113 (April 2020 Selected as Editor’s Pick)
- [44] S. Koohfar, A. B. Georgescu, I. Hallsteinsen, R. Sachan, M. A. Roldan, E. Arenholz, D. P. Kumah, Effect of strain on magnetic and orbital ordering of LaSrCrO3/LaSrMnO3 heterostructures, (arXiv:1911.03007). Phys. Rev B 101, 064420 (February 2020)
- [43]R. Olmos, H. Iturriaga, D. S. Blazer, S. Koohfar, K. Gandha, I. C. Nlebedim, D. P. Kumah, and S. R. Singamaneni Exchange Bias in La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ La0.7Sr0.3CrO3 Heterostructures AIP Advances 10, 015001 (January 2020)
- [42] Z. H. Lim, M. Chrysler, A. Kumar, J. P. Mauthe, D.P. Kumah, C. Richardson, J. Lebeau and J. Ngai Suspended single-crystalline oxide structures on silicon through wet-etch techniques: effects of oxygen vacancies and dislocations on etch rates. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38, 013406 (2020) (published online 27 December 2019, Featured on January 2020 Cover)
- [41] D.P. Kumah, J.H. Ngai, L. Kornblum, Epitaxial Oxides on Semiconductors: from Fundamentals to New Devices, Advanced Functional Materials 2019,1901597. (July,2019)
- [40]S Koohfar, AB Georgescu, A Penn, JM LeBeau, E Arenholz, DP Kumah, Confinement of magnetism in atomically-thin La0.7Sr0.3CrO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures. NPJ Quantum Materials 4, 25 (May 2019) arXiv:1710.07592 [cond-mat.str-el]
- [39] Athby H. Al-Tawhid, J.R. Frick, D.B. Dougherty, D.P. Kumah. Growth-Temperature Dependence of Conductivity at the LaCrO3/SrTiO3 (001) Interface.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37, 021102 (2019) (Selected as Editor’s Pick); http://arxiv.org/abs/1807.10845
- [38] Tongjie Chen, Kamyar Ahmadi-Majlan, Zheng Hui Lim, Zhan Zhang, Joseph H. Ngai, Alexander F. Kemper, Divine P. Kumah. Interfacial Structure of SrZrxTi(1-x)O3 films on Ge arXiv:1806.11140 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci], Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 201601 (November, 2018);
- [37] Kamyar Ahmadi-Majlan, Tongjie Chen, Zheng Hui Lim, Patrick Conlin, Ricky Hensley, Dong Su, Hanghui Chen, Divine P. Kumah, Joseph H. Ngai. Tuning metal-insulator behavior in LaTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures integrated directly on Si(100) through control of atomic layer thickness arXiv:1710.08597 ,Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 193104 (2018);
- [36] M. Dogan, S. Fernandez-Pena, L. Kornblum, Y. Jia, D. Kumah, J. Reiner, Z. Krivokapic, A.M Kolpak, S. Ismail-Beigi, C. Ahn, and F. Walker. Single atomic layer ferroelectric on silicon. Nano Lett., 2018, 18 (1), pp 241–246 (January, 2018)
- [35]Ankit S. Disa, Alexandru B. Georgescu, James L. Hart, Divine P. Kumah, Padraic Shafer, Elke Arenholz, Dario A. Arena, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Mitra L. Taheri, Frederick J. Walker, and Charles H. Ahn. Control of hidden ground-state order in NdNiO3 superlattices Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 024410 – Published 27 July 2017
- [34]J. H. Ngai, K. Ahmadi-Majlan, J. Moghadam, M. Chrysler, D. Kumah, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn, T. Droubay, Y. Du, S. A. Chambers, M. Bowden, X. Shen, D. Su, “Electrically coupling complex oxides to semiconductors: a route to novel material functionalities”, Journal of Materials Research 32, 249-259 (2017)
[33] S. Koohfar A. S. Disa, M. Marshall, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn and D. P. Kumah, Structural Distortions At Polar Manganite Interfaces arXiv:1704.05114 [cond-mat.str-el] (April 2017). Phys. Rev. B 96, 024108 (July 2017)
- [32] K. Zou, S. Mandal, S. Albright, R. Peng, Y. Pu, D. Kumah, C. Lau, G. Simon, O. E. Dagdeviren, Xi He, Ivan Bozovic, Udo D. Schwarz, Eric I. Altman, D. Feng, F.J. Walker, S. Ismail-Beigi, C. H. Ahn, The role of double TiO2 layers at the interface of FeSe/SrTiO3 superconductors. arXiv:1605.01312 [cond-mat.str-el] (May 2016) Physical Review B 93 (18), 180506 (May 2016)
- [29] L. Kornblum, E.N. Jin, D. P. Kumah, A. T. Ernst, C. C. Broadbridge, C.H. Ahn, and F J. Walker Oxide 2D electron gases as a route for high carrier densities on (001) Si. Applied Physics Letters 106, 201602 (2015)
- [28] A. S. Disa, D. P. Kumah, A. Malashevich, H. Chen, D. A. Arena, E. Specht, F. J. Walker, S. Ismail-Beigi, and C. H. Ahn. Orbital engineering in symmetry-breaking polar heterostructures.. Physical Review Letters 114 (2), 026801 (2015)(Editor’s Suggestion and Viewpoint)
- [27] E. N. Jin, L. Kornblum, Divine P. Kumah, K. Zou, C. C. Broadbridge, J. H. Ngai, C. H. Ahn and F. J. Walker. A high density two-dimensional electron gas in an oxide heterostructure on Si (001).. Applied Physics Materials. 2, 116109 (2014)
- [26] Divine P. Kumah, Andrei Malashevich, Ankit S. Disa, Dario A. Arena, Frederick J. Walker, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, and Charles H. Ahn. Effect of Surface Termination on the Electronic Properties of LaNiO3 Films.. Physical Review Applied, 2, 054004 (2014)
- [25] D. P. Kumah, A.S. Disa, J.H. Ngai, H. Chen, J. W. Reiner, S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker and C.H. Ahn. Tuning the Structure of Nickelates to Achieve Two-Dimensional Electron Conduction. Advanced Materials, 26, 1935 (2014)
- [24] C. Xiong, W. H. P. Pernice, J.H. Ngai, J. W. Reiner, D. P. Kumah, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn and H. X. Tang. Active integrated optics on silicon: ferroelectric BaTiO3 devices. Nano. Lett., 14, 1419 (2014)
- [23] JH Ngai, D. P. Kumah CH Ahn, FJ Walker. Hysteretic electrical transport in BaTiO3/Ba{1-x}Sr{x}TiO3 /Ge heterostructures. App. Phys. Lett, 104 , 062905 (2014)
- [22] D. P. Kumah, Y. Yacoby, S. A. Pauli, P. R. Willmott and R. Clarke La-doped BaTiO3 heterostructures: Compensating the polarization discontinuity. APL Mat. 1, 062107 (Dec 2013)
- [21] Chen, H.; D. P. Kumah; Disa, A. S; Walker, F. J; Ahn, C. H; Ismail-Beigi, S. Modifying the Electronic Orbitals of Nickelate Heterostructures via Structural Distortions.. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 186402 (2013)
- [20] A.S. Disa, D. P. Kumah, JH Ngai, ED Specht, DA Arena, FJ Walker and CH Ahn. Phase diagram of compressively strained nickelate thin films.. APL Materials 1 (3), 032110 (2013)
- [19] J.A. Moyer, D. P. Kumah, C.A.F. Vaz, D.A. Arena, V.E. Henrich Role of epitaxial strain on the magnetic structure of Fe-doped CoFe2O4.. J. of M. Mag. Mat., Volume 345, 180 (2013)
- [18] J.A. Moyer, C.A.F. Vaz, D. P. Kumah, DA Arena, VE Henrich. Enhanced magnetic moment in ultrathin Fe-doped CoFe2O4 films.. Phys. Rev. B 86, 174404 (2012)
- [17] M. S. J. Marshall, D. P. Kumah, J. W. Reiner, A. P. Baddorf, C. H. Ahn, and F. J. Walker. Piezoelectric force microscopy of crystalline oxide-semiconductor heterostructures. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 102902 (2012)
- [16] J. A. Moyer, D. P. Kumah, C. A. F. Vaz, D. A. Arena, and V. E. Henrich. Epitaxial strain-induced changes in the cation distribution and resistivity of Fe-doped CoFe2O4.. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 021907 (2012)
- [15] E. Cohen, N. Elfassy, G. Koplovitz, S. Yochelis, S. Shusterman, D. P. Kumah, Y. Yacoby, R. Clarke and Y. Paltiel. Surface X-Ray Diffraction Results on the III-V Droplet Heteroepitaxy Growth Process for Quantum Dots: Recent Understanding and Open Questions.. Sensors 11, 10624 (Nov. 2011)
- [14] J. A. Moyer, C. A. F. Vaz, D. A. Arena, D. P. Kumah, E. Negusse, and V. E. Henrich. Magnetic structure of Fe-doped CoFe2O4 probed by x-ray magnetic spectroscopies.. Phys. Rev. B 84, 054447 (2011)
- [13] E. Cohen, S. Yochelis, O. Westreich, S. Shusterman, D. P. Kumah, R. Clarke, Y. Yacoby, and Y. Paltiel. Structure of droplet-epitaxy-grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots.. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 243115 (2011)
- [12] D. P. Kumah, J. H. Wu, N. S. Husseini, V. D. Dasika, R. S. Goldman, Y. Yacoby, and R. Clarke. Correlating structure, strain, and morphology of self-assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 021903 (2011)
- [11] D. P. Kumah ; Reiner J. W.; Segal Y.; Kolpak A. M.; Zhang Z.; Su D.; Zhu Y.; Sawicki M.S.; Broadbridge C. C.; Ahn C. H.; Walker F. J., The atomic structure and polarization of strained SrTiO3/Si. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 251902 (2010)
- [10] D. P. Kumah, S. Shusterman,Yossi Paltiel, Y. Yacoby and R. Clarke, Atomic-scale mapping of quantum dots formed by droplet epitaxy. Nature Nanotechnology volume 4, pages 835–838 (2009)
- [9] CM Schlepütz, PR Willmott, SA Pauli, R Herger, D Martoccia, M Björck, D Kumah, R Clarke, Y Yacoby, Surface x‐ray diffraction of complex metal oxide surfaces and interfaces—a new era, AIP Conference Proceedings 1092 (1), 9-12, (2009)
- [8] D. P. Kumah, A. Riposan, C. N. Cionca, N. S. Husseini, R. Clarke, J. Y. Lee, J. M. Millunchick, Y. Yacoby, C. M. Schlepütz, M. Björck, and P. R. Willmott . Resonant coherent Bragg rod analysis of strained epitaxial heterostructure. Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 081910 (2008).
- [7] C. N. Cionca, A. Riposan, D. P. Kumah, N. S. Husseini, D. A. Walko, Y. Yacoby, J. M. Millunchick, and R. Clarke. Strain and composition mapping of epitaxial nanostructures.Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 151914 (2008)
- [6] R. Herger, P. R. Willmott, C. M. Schlepütz, M. Björck, S. A. Pauli, D. Martoccia, B. D. Patterson, D. Kumah, R. Clarke, Y. Yacoby, and M. Döbeli. Structure determination of monolayer-by-monolayer grown La1-xSrxMnO3 thin films and the onset of magnetoresistance. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 085401( Febuary 1 2008)
- [5] Liu Liu, Naji S. Husseini, Christopher J. Torbet,Divine P. Kumah, Roy Clarke, Tresa M. Pollock, and J. Wayne Jones. In Situ Imaging of High Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth in Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys by Synchrotron X-Radiation. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 130, 021008 (2008)
- [4] P. R. Willmott, S. A. Pauli, R. Herger, C. M. Schlepütz, D. Martoccia, B. D. Patterson, B. Delley, R. Clarke, D. Kumah, C. Cionca, and Y. Yacoby. Structural Basis for the Conducting Interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 . Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 155502 (October 9 2007)
- [3] J. B. González-Díaz, A. García-Martín, G. Armelles, J. M. García-Martín, C. Clavero, A. Cebollada, . A. Lukaszew, J. R. Skuza, D. P. Kumah, and R. Clarke. Surface-magnetoplasmonnonreciprocity effects in noble-metal/ferromagnetic heterostructures. Phys.Rev. B 76, 153402 (5 October 2007)
- [2] D P Kumah, A Cebollada, C Clavero, J-M Garcia-Martin, J Skuza, R A Lukaszew and R Clarke. Optimizing the planar structure of (111) Au/Co/Au trilayers. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (April 2007) 2699–2704
- [1] D. Boschetto, G. Mourou, A. Rousse, A. Mordovanakis, Bixue Hou, J. Nees, D. Kumah, R. Clarke. Spatial coherence properties of a compact and ultrafast laser-produced plasma keV x-ray source. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 011106 (Jan. 2007)