Bubble Basher (Mobile App)

Bubble Basher is an iOS app I built which lets users try to pop as many bubbles as possible. As time goes on the speed of the bubbles increase and new types of bubbles would appear. These types of bubbles including “Ice Bubbles” which required two taps to destroy and “Multi Bubbles” which would split into two different bubbles when tapped. There were also power ups that users could unlock such as a hammer that would break bubbles in a radius and “fire finger” which let users destroy bubbles for a limited time by swiping.

This was my first mobile app, written in Objective-C. The experience of building it and releasing it through the Apple Developer Portal taught me a lot about the complexities of designing a mobile app that works on all different iPhones. In addition, I experimented with firebase and Google Adsense to monetize my app and Apple iAds to promote the app on the App Store. Bubble basher recieved a few thousand downloads.