Amplified Industries Electrical Engineering Intern

Amplified Industries (formerly Acoustic Wells) builds specialized IOT sensors to monitor operating performance of oil wells, collect and analyze data, and automatically notify oil producers of environment-threatening conditions (such as methane leaks). This summer I designed custom embedded C firmware to control Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) operating on-shore oil well assets. My firmware used the MODBUS/RS485 protocol to vary the...

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QuikCal: Construction Site Scheduling Application

  QuikCal is a scheduling application that uses image recognition and AI to convert construction site job whiteboards to a google calendar. Many construction companies use whiteboards to organize deliveries of building materials to jobsites. However, these whiteboards are messy, are not remotely accessible, and don’t support a log of deliveries to a jobsite. Moreover, existing enterprise grade project management...

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Advanced Software Design and Implementation (CS 308)

Advanced Software Design and Implementation Advanced Software Design and Implementation focused on teaching students about good design techniques and programing practices to prepare them for software engineering roles. The class was structured around three major group projects. In addition to programming, the class was heavily focused on the importance of documenting your code and writing clear design documents (in Markdown)...

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Practical Financial Markets: ECON 256

Practical Financial Markets Duke’s Practical Financial Markets class (ECON 256) taught by Emma Rasiel and John Caccavale covered an overview of the financial sector. This class was a great introduction to finance as a career. The class introduced the Bond and Stock markets, talked about current macro-economic trends such as rising interest rates, and featured guest speakers to give students a...

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ECE 250: Computer Architecture

This class introduces the basic parts of a computer, including computer structure, assembly language, instruction execution, addressing techniques, and digital representation of data. As well as computer system organization, logic design, microprogramming, cache and memory systems, and input/output interfaces. Projects in this class include writing assignments in C to explore bit manipulation, writing in MIPS assembly, and designing logic components...

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“Aspine” is a web application framework for building single-page applications (SPAs) using the AngularJS framework. The project is open source and provides a range of features such as an authentication system, RESTful API integration, and more. The framework is designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing developers to build customized SPAs quickly and efficiently. The repository contains detailed documentation on...


Amateur Radio

I have been an FCC licensed Amateur “Ham” Radio operator for over 10 years. Through the hobby, I have experimented with radio communications technology and spoken to radio operators in more than 120 countries and have been awarded the ARRL DXCC Award for confirming contacts with 100+ countries. I have volunteered as an ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) volunteer. I...

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I have always had an interest in classic rock and country music. I grew up playing piano, but I switched to the guitar in 7th grade. I play both acoustic and electric guitar. At Duke, I started a band called “Last Call” along with four of my friends. We played a mix of 80s and 90s rock songs including bands...


New England Sci-Tech

I became associated with New England Sci-Tech through Bob Phinney who started the organization as a STEM maker space to teach students and adults about science, technology, astronomy and engineering. Mr. Phinney initially helped me get my Technician level Ham Radio license over 10 years ago. From that point on, I had been a member of his Amateur Radio club...

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