All data sets are projected to the NAD_1983_Albers coordinate system
(r) = raster; (fc) = feature class
- (r) Drain mask
- (fc) Drain mask poly
- (r) Elevation
- (r) Flow accumulation (FAC)
- (r) Flow direction (FDR)
- (r) Hillshade
- (r) PctSlope
- (r) Aspect
- (r) Catchment (NHD+ catchments)
- (r) NLCD2006 (National land cover dataset – 2006)
- (r) Imperv2006 (Developed impervious – 2006)
- (r) ACC_IMP06 (Upstream accumulated impervious surface – 2006)
- (r) ACC_FOR06 (Upstream accumulated forest area – 2006)
- (fc) NHDflowlines
- (fc) catchments
- (fc)FDRFlowlines
- (fc)SSURGO_MUAGGATT (Soil map units with aggregated attribute data)
- (r) HYDROGROUP (Soil hydrologic groups)
- (r) NC_HYDRIC (Hydric soils)
- (fc) LMCOS (Lands managed for conservation and open space)
- (fc) HU (Hydrologic units)
- (fc) NHEO (Natural heritage element occurrences)
- (fc) SNHA (Significant natural heritage areas)
- (fc) NWI (National wetlands inventory)
- (fc) Physiographic Divisions
- (fc) TNCEcoregions
- (fc) WWFEcoregions
- (fc) NC_Floodmap (Flood map)
- (r) Flood100yr (100 year flood areas)
- (r) DrainMask(Drainage extent for North Carolina)
- Source :
- Geoprocessing models: NC Drainage Extent(Parts 1 and 2)
- Processing:
- Mosaicked FDR (flow direction) and FAC (flow accumulation) rasters from NHD+ zones 3d, 3e, 5c, 6a
- Extracted stream cells from FAC (SetNull; Value < 1000)
- Converted stream cells to stream features (Stream to features)
- Intersected NC State Boundary file (Source: ESRI) with stream features
- Converted intersect result from above from multi part to single part features (Multipart to Singlepart) to serve as pour points for extracting areas that flow into NC.
- Removed pour points with a flow accumulation <= 0
- Not sure why there would be these points as all stream segments should have a flow accumulation >= 1000
- In cases where two points were found on the same stream segment, selected only the one with the highest flow accumulation
- Calculated summary statistics (max RASTERVALU) using the flowline attribute as the case field
- Joined the summary results back to the pour points features, using the flow line attribute as the join fields
- Selected only features where RASTERVALUE = MAX_RASTER, i.e. the highest flow accumulation for each stream segment
- Used the resulting pour point features and the mosaicked FDR raster to create watersheds
- Merged these watersheds with the original area of NC (Con((IsNull("%NCCounties%") == 0) | (IsNull("%edgesheds%") == 0), 1))
- (fc) DrainMaskPoly(Drainage extent for North Carolina – polygon)
- Source : DrainMask
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Mosaicked NHD+ Zones 3d, 3e, 5d, 6a
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) Elevation
- Source :
- Processing:
- Converted DrainMask raster to a polygon using the Raster to Polygon tool (did not simplify polygons)
- (r) FAC(Flow Accumulation)
- Source:
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Mosaicked NHD+ Zones 3d, 3e, 5d, 6a
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) FDR(Flow Direction)
- Source:
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Mosaicked NHD+ Zones 3d, 3e, 5d, 6a
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) PctSlope
- Source: Elevation
- Processing:
- Slope tool on Elevation using PCT_RISE option and z-factor of 0.01
- (r) Catchment(NHD+ Catchments)
- Source: NHD+
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Mosaicked NHD+ Zones 3, 5, 6
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) NLCD2006(National land cover dataset)
- Source:
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) Imperv2006(Developed impervious)
- Source:
- Geoprocessing model: Extract Catchment Rasters
- Processing:
- Extracted to area of DrainMask
- (r) ACC_IMP06(Accumulated upstream impervious area)
- Source: Imperv2006
- Geoprocessing model: Calculate Upstream Accumulations
- Processing:
- Computed weighted flow accumulation using FDR and Imperv2006 as the weight
- Added the original Imperv2006 to the weighted flow accumulation result
- (r) ACC_FOR06(Accumulated upstream forest)
- Source: Imperv2006
- Geoprocessing model: Calculate Upstream Accumulations
- Processing:
- Extracted NLCD forest classes from NLCD2006 (Value in (41, 42, 43, 90)) to a binary raster
- Computed weighted flow accumulation using FDR and Imperv2006 as the weight
- Added the original extracted forest binary raster to the weighted flow accumulation result
- (fc) NHDflowlines (in NHD_FD feature dataset; NHD+ catchment polygons within the drain mask area)
- Source: NHD+
- Geoprocessing model: Extract features in Drain Extent
- Processing:
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ flowlines in zones 3, 5, and 6
- I did this by copying zone 3 to a new feature class and then loaded features from zones 5 and 6 into it
- *Selected all catchments that have their center in the DrainMaskPoly feature and copied them to a new feature class
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ flowlines in zones 3, 5, and 6
- (fc) catchments (in NHD_FD feature dataset; NHD+ catchment polygons within the drain mask area)
- Source: NHD+
- Geoprocessing model: Extract features in Drain Extent
- Processing:
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ catchments in zones 3, 5, and 6
- I did this by copying zone 3 to a new feature class and then loaded features from zones 5 and 6 into it
- *Selected all catchments that have their center in the DrainMaskPoly feature and copied them to a new feature class
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ catchments in zones 3, 5, and 6
(fc) FDRFlowlines (in FDRFlow_FD feature dataset; NHD+ catchment polygons within the drain mask area)
- Source: Stream features derived from stream cells extracted from NHD+ FAC dataset
- Geoprocessing model: Extract features in Drain Extent
- Processing:
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ flowlines in zones 3, 5, and 6
- I did this by copying zone 3 to a new feature class and then loaded features from zones 5 and 6 into it
- *Selected all catchments that have their center in the DrainMaskPoly feature and copied them to a new feature class
- Created a feature class of all NHD+ flowlines in zones 3, 5, and 6
- (fc) SSURGO_MUAGGATT‘ (Soil map units with aggregated attribute data)
- Source: SSURGO Soils via
- Geoprocessing script:
- Processing: See SSURGO link
- (r) HYDROGROUP (Soil hydrologic groups)
- Processing:
- Convert features to raster based on the hydgrpdcd attribute (30m cell size; snap to DRAINMASK raster)
- (r) NC_HYDRIC (Hydric soils)
- Processing:
- Convert features to raster based on the hydclprs attribute (30m cell size; snap to DRAINMASK raster)
- (fc) LMCOS(Lands managed for conservation and open space)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and uncompress zip file
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers
- (fc) HU(Hydrologic Units)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and uncompress zip file
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers
- (fc) NHEO(Natural Heritage Element Occurrences)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and uncompress zip file
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers
- (fc) SNHA(Significant Natural Heritage Areas)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and uncompress zip file
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers
- (fc) NWI (National Wetlands Inventory)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and uncompress zip file
- Extract features that intersect the DrainMaskPoly features
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers
- (fc) PhysiographicDivisions (Physiographic Provinces)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and decompress the data
- Clip the physio features using the DrainMaskPoly as the clip feature
- (fc) TNCEcoregions
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and decompress the data
- Clip features using the DrainMaskPoly as the clip feature
- (fc) WWFEcoregions
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download and decompress the data
- Clip features using the DrainMaskPoly as the clip feature
- (fc) NC_Floodmap (Flood map)
- Source:
- Processing:
- Download (individually) each county flood map geodatabase
- Extract the MAPFLDHAZAR feature class from the MAPPING feature dataset
- Merge each county MAPFLDHAZAR feature class into a single statewide feature class
- Project to NAD_1983_Albers