The International Crisis Behavior (ICB) Version 15 datasets are now available. The ICB data now cover 1918 to 2019. This consists of 496 crises and 1,100 crisis actors.
The new data also incorporate a number of changes to previous crises, based on a systematic cleaning process aimed to improve the consistency of coding across cases. These changes are detailed in the release notes that can be downloaded from the data collections page. The previous versions of the data remain available for replication purposes.
NEW: After 25 years, A Study of Crisis has been re-released as an e-book! It is available for open access here.
This Web site offers access to the primary data collections from the ICB project. The data are scheduled for annual updates, which will be available at this site.
The ICB Data Viewer is a useful tool to explore the content of the crises. All crisis summaries can also be found on the data collections page, linked above.
This project is indebted to the inspiration and efforts of our dear friend Michael Brecher, who recently died at the age of 96. A remembrance of Michael and his legacy can be found here.