Tag Archives: education tool

Bookshelf Finished!

App developer Scott Powell finished up work on the bookshelf and survivor stories this past week. All twelve survivors featured come from the Triangle area of North Carolina, but  come from diverse backgrounds spanning Germany, Poland, the former Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, and even Greece. Ten of the stories detail the lives of survivors and two describe the harrowing experience of the liberators. One particularly unique story of Albrecht Strauss, who passed in Durham just this past May, details the life of a boy who escaped Nazi Germany in the early 1930s, then fought in the American army as a liberator, and continued his efforts for justice as a prisoner administrator for Nazi officials facing war crimes charges in the years following the war. Each story acts as standing evidence of a different aspect of the Holocaust and its terrors. Some escaped the Nazi regime early on, while others were forced into hiding for all the war years. Yet others survived the grueling experience of a Nazi camp. Our hope is that these stories provide a springboard for North Carolina teachers to continue and expand their Holocaust education efforts, and that they inspire students to further research this unforgettable period of history. Two pictures of the Virtual Bookshelves are posted below. Video of the stories to follow shortly.

Bookshelf Bookshelf1