Recently, my friend did some dry wall work of the garage ceiling, he pulled the wires out of the opener but when he completed and put the wires back, it did not work any more. The symptoms are:
1. One of the safety sensor does not light up.
2. The light bulb does not turn on.
I had my own blog earlier on fixing garage door opener, it has the information. Like the following diagram shows, there are normally three sets of wire related to the common operations:
1. One set of wire is dedicated to the wall control, and it should go to the BWC.
2. The other two sets of wire are dedicated to the safety sensors, and normally hooked to the STB.
Normally, one need to find which one is dedicated to Wall Control, refer to my own blog for details. Then, wind the other two sets of wires properly. And, it is good to know that “polarity” is ignorable, a.k.a. one does not need to find the stripe wire or white wire.
It turns out my friend did not hook the wall control wire to the BWC, and he pulled and damaged one set of wire for the sensor. I had to re-wire it and use a new wire to replace the damaged one.
I also wanted to give credit to garadget for the forum. I find it very helpful.