U.S. Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser – Washington, D.C.
I spent the first eight weeks of my summer as an intern with the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Legal Adviser. During my internship, I worked with the Human Rights & Refugees and Western Hemisphere Affairs offices to advance U.S. diplomatic efforts in these areas. As a dual degree student enrolled in the joint J.D. / LL.M. program in International & Comparative Law that is also very interested in public service work and is part of the Public Interest & Public Service Law Certificate program as well, working with the Office of the Legal Adviser was an excellent opportunity for me to engage with my varied areas of interest.
I was able to repeatedly utilize my research, writing, and foreign language skills during the course of the internship while working on diverse and engaging projects. The offices I worked with covered both the Office of the Legal Adviser’s thematic and regional obligations, and my portfolio ranged from work relating to specific country issues, to treaty analysis and interpretation, to research on state responsibility and the immunity of various organizations under international law. I gained experience both in drafting longer research memoranda and in providing concise, bulleted information sheets with only the most necessary information included. I contributed substantively to every project I worked on, and I felt like a valued member of my project teams. I even had the opportunity to provide input during an oral briefing for a U.S. Ambassador during my first two weeks at the State Department.
The work I was doing was also directly relevant to securing my post-graduate clerkship with a U.S. Court of Appeals. I was able to speak intelligently on various substantive issues during the clerkship interview, which was held during the course of my internship, given the substantive responsibility I had on my projects. I have no doubt that this experience was a strong contributing factor to being offered the clerkship position.
Finally, I developed very fruitful relationships with numerous attorneys during my eight weeks with the Office of the Legal Adviser, including numerous Duke Law alumni. I was provided two attorney mentors, and there was a dedicated team of four attorneys that were in charge of all intern programming during the summer. My offices also had multiple social gatherings during my eight-week internship. These opportunities allowed me to connect with various attorneys, and this experience should be invaluable when I seek to apply to the Office of the Legal Adviser following my clerkship.
Submitted August 13, 2018