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Girls Exploring Math

We are a Bass Connections Research Team at Duke comprised of female Duke undergraduates, graduates, and professors working together to create math and puzzle-based logic workshops for middle school girls in the wider Durham region. Join our newsletter to find out more, and check out our website to learn more about what we do and how we do it!

"The most important thing I learned was that being a girl doesn't affect our smartness and that we should keep trying and not give up on what we believe."

Former GEM participant

what we offer


Our spring and summer workshops focus on a team and logic based approach to solving math puzzles and challenges -- all while having fun!


Our students come from all over the wider Durham region to attend these workshops. Students will have the opportunity to meet each other and connect over exciting math and science while working in teams.


Workshop activities are led by Duke undergraduate females with a passion for STEM and enhancing girls' confidence in math.


Throughout various workshops, we will discuss stereotypes about girls doing math and ways to develop self confidence in math. We provide a safe space for personal experiences and advice as well as bring inmaterial from current research.

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