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Have you recently had a baby in Henderson or Polk County? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a research study about the experiences of families with young children!

Duke’s Center for Child and Family Policy (CCFP) is currently conducting a study to learn more about the strengths and needs of families with young children. The Henderson-Polk Family Life Survey was created to better find out how family characteristics and the services that families receive predict child health and development, parent well-being, and parenting behaviors. With this knowledge, we can develop better ways to match families with services that will benefit them.

You are eligible to participate in this study if you live in Henderson or Polk County and gave birth between March 1, 2022 and November 30, 2022.

As a participant, you will be asked to complete one 30-45 minute online or by phone when your child is approximately 6 months old. The survey will be scheduled at your convenience and will ask you about your experience as the parent of a newborn, as well as other general aspects of your life. There are no costs to being in this research. As a thank you for participating, you will receive up to $60 for your time.

You will also be asked to provide permission for our researchers to access your administrative education and social service records. To help safeguard your information, we will keep all our data on Duke’s protected network. Participation in this research is entirely voluntary. If you consent to be in our study, you are free to contact the researchers to withdraw your consent at any time, for any reason.

If you would like to participate and think you are eligible, please feel free to contact Maia Szulik at (919) 724-0011 or Melissa Martin at (919) 724-5188.

Free photos of Mother