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Empire, Socialism, & Jews IV

Sunday, 24 April 2016 

7:00pm        Evening Reception & Welcome 

John Hope Franklin Center Gallery

Monday, 25 April

All panels will take place in the John Hope Franklin Center, Ahmadieh Family Conference Hall (Room 240)

9:15am – 10:15am        Panel I: Interwar Austria and the Imperial Legacy:The Empire in the Province

Chair: Gabriel Trop, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Helmut Konrad, Rector and Professor Emeritus, University of Graz

The Empire in the Province:  An Unknown Interwar Austrian Tale

Comments: Malachi Hacohen, Director, Council for European Studies, Duke University

10:15am – 10:30am     Coffee Break

10:30am – 12:00pm   Panel II: Interwar Austria and the Imperial Legacy:Red Vienna, the “Nation” and the  Jewish Question

Chair: Deirdre White, Program Coordinator, Council for European Studies & Africa Initiative

Georg Spitaler, Program Director, Verein für Geschichte der ArbeiterInnenbewegung, Vienna

Socialist Betrayal or Imperial Loyalty? The Julius Deutsch 1923 Trial

Lisa Silverman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Jewish Difference in an Austrian nation:  Austria from Monarchy to Republic

Comments: Ingo Zechner, Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society, Vienna

12:00pm – 1:30pm      Buffet Lunch

                                                 John Hope Franklin Center, Room 130

2:00pm – 3:30pm       Panel III – Interwar Central Europe and the Imperial Legacy:

Economic and Political Transformations

Chair: Deirdre White, Program Director, Council for European Studies, Duke University

Andreas Weigl, University of Vienna

Beggar-Your-Neighbor vs. Danube Basin Strategy:  Habsburg Economic Networks in Interwar Europe

Katherine Sorrels, University of Cincinnati

Eurafrica and the Austrian Imperial Legacy: Paneuropa and the Freemasons

Comments:  James Chappel, Duke University

3:30pm – 3:45pm       Coffee Break

3:45pm – 5:15pm       Panel IV – Interwar Central Europe and the Imperial Legacy:

Memory in the Successor States

Chair:  Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Freelance curator and museum consultant, Vienna

Béla Rásky, Managing Director, Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies

Habsburg Unplugged: The Memory of the Empire in Hungary

Saskia Ziolkowski, Duke University

Imperial Traces in Italian Trieste

Comments:  Thomas Prendergast, Duke University

7:00pm                            Dinner (The Piedmont)

Tuesday, April 26

Panel V will take place at the John Hope Franklin Center, Ahmadieh Family Conference Hall (Room 240)

9:15am – 11:30am     Panel VÉmigrés, Exile and the Memory of the Empire

Chair: Gerhard Milchram, Curator, Wien Museum, Vienna

Richard Lambert III, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Memory, Empire, and the Language Crisis: Hermann Broch’s “Hofmannsthal und seine Zeit”

Ilse Lazaroms, Center for Jewish History, New York

Blown out of Empire: Hungarian Jewish Memory in Exile

Kata Gellen, Duke University

Modernism in Galicia: Imperial Nostalgia in Soma Morgenstern

Comments: Malachi Hacohen, Director, Council for European Studies, Duke University

Concluding Comments: Malachi Hacohen

12:00pm                            Buffet Lunch

                                                John Hope Franklin Center, Room 130

A shuttle will meet participants at John Hope Franklin Center at 1:15 to arrange transportation to the Round Table Discussion and/or hotel.

1:30pm – 3:30pm        Round Table Discussion        

Curator Dilemmas: Exhibiting Jewish Life in Post-Holocaust German-Speaking Europe

Rubenstein Library, Carpenter Conference Room (Room 130)

Chair: Ingo Zechner, Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society, Vienna

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Freelance curator and museum consultant, Vienna

Gerhard Milchram, Curator, Wien Museum, Vienna

4:00pm                            Optional tour of the Duke University campus


Empire, Socialism, & Jews III

28 May 2015
15.00 | Welcome Address
Helmut Lethen, IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies & Malachi Hacohen, Duke University

PANEL I: 1848

This panel on the 1848 Revolution is dedicated to the memory of Siegfried Mattl (1954-2015), who passed away on April 25. Béla Rásky will deliver the paper, on which the two of them have begun working together.

Chair: Amy Vargas-Tonsi, Duke University
Commentator: Gerhard Milchram, Wien Museum

15.15 | Louise Hecht, Palacký University, Olomouc
Between Toleration and Emancipation: The Self-empowerment of Jewish Intellectuals in the Habsburg Monarchy

16.15 | Siegfried Mattl, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft & Béla Rásky, Vienna Wiesenthal Institute
Antisemitism in 1848

17.15 | Coffee break

18.00 | Keynote

Malachi Hacohen, Duke University
The Abiding Imperial Tradition: Austrian Socialism, the Jews, the Monarchy, and Europe

Respondent: Helmut Konrad, Karl-Franzens University, Graz

29 May 2015

PANEL II: 1867

Chair: Serena Bazemore, Duke University
Commentator: Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Vienna & Ingo Zechner, IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies

10.00| Dieter Hecht, Austrian Academy of the Sciences
Self-Assertion in the Public Sphere: Jewish Press on the Eve of Legal Emancipation

11.00 | Lisa Silverman, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Jews, Property, and the Staatsgrundgesetz

12.00 | Lunch break


A. Metropole

Chair: Martina Steer, University of Vienna
Commentator: Jill Lewis, Swansea University & Georg Spitaler, Verein für Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung (VGA)

14.00| Wolfgang Maderthaner, Austrian State Archives
1889 in the History of Austrian Socialism: The Founding of an Imperial Party?

15.00 | Deborah Holmes, University of Kent
Socialism and Empire: The Early Years of the Arbeiterzeitung

16.00 | Coffee break

B. Provinces

Chair: Jill Lewis, Swansea University
Commentator: Werner Michael Schwarz, Wien Museum & Martina Steer, University of Vienna

16.30 | Joshua Shanes, College of Charleston
Galician Jewish Socialism – Imperially Embedded?

17.30 | Thomas Prendergast, Duke University
“Die Sozialdemokraten der Wissenschaft:” Austrian Jewish Ethnologists and the Quest for a Science of Nationality, 1880-1900

18.30 | End


Empire, Socialism, & Jews II

March 20-22, 2013


  • Malachi Hacohen, Duke University
  • Deborah Holmes, University of Kent
  • Jill Lewis, Swansea University & Vienna, Stadt Wien/IFK Fellow, IFK
  • Wolfgang Maderthaner, Vienna, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv
  • Michaela Maier, VGA,Vienna
  • Siegfried Mattl, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Vienna

Session I | Dilemmas of Assimilation: Fin-de-siècle Socialism, Progressivism, and the Jewish Question

Deborah Holmes | Eugenie Schwarzwald: an “Honest Antisemite”? The Galician Ostjudin as a Fin-de-siècle Viennese Icon

Wolfgang Maderthaner | Otto Bauer as Protagonist for German Culture: Imperial Multinational & German Jewish Subjectivity

Session II | Socialist, Feminist & Jewish: Women Subjectivities in Late Imperial Austria

Michaela Maier | Between Father & Son, Jews & Christian: Emma Adler (1852-1938)

Siegfried Mattl | Between Socialism & Feminism: Charlotte Glass (1873-1944)

Jill Lewis | Socialism, Feminism and Jewish Memory: Käthe Leichter (1895-1942)

Public Presentation | The Ambiguous Legacy of Continental European Empires: Socialism and the Jewish Question in Late Imperial Russia and Austria

Martin Mill, Duke University | Terrorism, Anarchism, and Pogroms: Russian Autocracy & the Jews

Malachi Hacohen, Duke University | Towards Alternative Histories of Austrian Socialism: Empire, Socialist Women and Jewish European History