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Intergenerational Economic Transfers and Wealth Inequality in the United States

by Parinay Gupta


Using longitudinal data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) from 2007-2021, this
paper investigates the role of economic transfers (inheritances and gifts) in asset
accumulation processes of US households, in both short-term and long-term. Analysis is
done through dimensions of race, wealth quartile, and age. Examining quartiles reveals
significant wealth disparities, mirrored in income and education levels. Racially, White
households consistently hold higher wealth, income, and educational levels compared to
Black households, indicating systematic racial disparities. Multivariate analysis uncovers
relationships between socio-economic factors and wealth. Past wealth positively influences
future accumulation, except for the lowest quartile. Labor income negatively impacts wealth,
particularly in lowest quartile, potentially indicating poverty traps and dissaving, while asset
income positively affects quartiles except the lowest, in both short-term and long-term. Total
expenditure initially reduces wealth but reverses in quartiles except the lowest in both time
frames. Race is significantly associated with wealth, with young Black households
consistently disadvantaged, though this reverses for the wealthiest quartile and in longerterm.
Age correlates positively with wealth. Transfers’ (inheritances and gifts) impact varies
across quartiles, showing diminishing returns and switching signs as wealth quartile
increases, indicating differential returns for upper quartiles. Noteworthy is the positive
association between transfers received 8-10 years ago and current wealth, irrespective of age
and wealth quartile, highlighting their significant long-term role in wealth accumulation.

Prof. William Darity, Faculty Advisor
Prof. Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor

JEL Classification Numbers: D14, D31, J15

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Technological Impacts on Return to Education in Brazil

by Yirui Zhao


The wage return to education has been studied for a long time. Acemoglu and Autor (2010) connect the decrease of medium-level job opportunities in the U.S. with technological advances. Their theoretical model predicts that if technology replaces routine jobs, workers with medium-level skills will experience decreases in wages relative to both high-skill workers (who become more productive with the improved technology) and low-skill workers (who can less easily be replaced since their work is not routine). Moreover, their theoretical model predicts that if medium-skill workers are closer substitutes for low-skill workers than they are for high-skill workers, the relative return of high-skill workers to low-skill workers should increase. Using education as proxy of skill (Acemoglu & Autor, 2012), this paper checks if these three predictions about relative wage returns to education also hold in Brazil. This paper finds that the impact of technological change on the Brazilian formal labor market between 1986 and 2010 is consistent with predicted changes in the return to education for medium-skill workers relative to both low and high skill workers. The impact is consistent with predicted changes in the return to education for high-skill workers relative to low-skill workers when Lula’s presidency is considered in the model.

Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor
Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Faculty Advisor
Daniel Xu, Faculty Advisor

JEL classification: J24; J31; O33

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Analysis of the Impact of Gender and Age of Protagonists in Top-Grossing Films from 2000-2019 on Film Success

By Daniella Welton

The gender wage gap is prominent in many fields of work, but it is especially prevalent among actors in the film industry. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, as of 2019 female annual workers were earning about 82.3% of their male counterparts. In a study of feature films released from 1980 to 2015, females were making only 56% of their male counterparts on average; this gap also has been shown to increase as female actors get older (Blau & Kahn, 2017; De Pater et al., 2014; Izquierdo Sanchez & Navarro Paniagua, 2017). In this paper I investigate the relationship between the gender and age of protagonists in the film industry and film success through a series of three regressions with film success defined as film total gross, critic reviews, and audience reviews. My data set is composed of 100 top-grossing films from each year 2000-2019. Through my statistical analysis I did not find any evidence that the gender or age of the protagonist influences film success. Thus my results do not show any evidence that the gender wage gap could be related to differences in film success.

Professor Genna Miller, Faculty Advisor
Professor Kent Kimbrough, Seminar Advisor

JEL Codes: J16, J30, J70, J71

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The Effect of Workforce Participation and Household Income Contribution on Women’s Healthcare Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

By Hannah Wang

Women in Bangladesh have gained increased access to paid work in the past decade yet
still experience limited choices and access to resources, which threatens their ability to exercise
control over healthcare for themselves and their children. Several collective household
bargaining theories hypothesize a link between women’s workforce participation and
empowerment. This paper uses a cross-sectional approach and survey data collected at the end of
a randomized trial field experiment in rural Bangladesh from 2007 to 2017 to examine health
empowerment outcomes for 7,151 young women ages 14 to 32. The results show that women
who work for income are expected to be more health empowered, specifically due to an
increased ability to make their own health decisions. As a woman contributes more income to her
household, her health empowerment is expected to increase, through increased abilities to make
her own health decisions, purchase medicine for herself, and seek medical treatment
independently. Greater mobility and stronger female-positive attitudes towards gender norms are
potential mechanisms through which paid work and household income contribution can translate
into health empowerment. Furthermore, higher total household income, having children, and
being more educated than her husband are expected to increase a woman’s health empowerment.
These results are significant while controlling for the effects of various individual and household

Professor Erica M. Field, Faculty Advisor
Professor Michelle P. Connolly, Faculty Advisor

JEL classification: J1; J16; I15

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Short and Long-Term Impacts of a Large-Scale Natural Disaster on Individual Labor Outcomes: Evidence from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

By Tony sun

Natural disasters are often highly disruptive to the livelihoods of impacted populations. This paper investigates the effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on male wages and labor supply from its immediate aftermath into the long run. Using fixed effects models that account for individual-specific heterogeneity, I find evidence of significant real wage declines for workers from heavily damaged areas that persist beyond the short-term. This long-term wage effect contrasts with previous literature, particularly in the context of relatively less severe disasters. Male workers also increased their hours-of-work following the tsunami, which suggests reliance on labor markets to smooth income losses and shifted their labor towards less disrupted industries. Additionally, I document the heterogeneity of tsunami impact on wages and hours-of-work by birth cohort and education, as well as by industry and sector of employment.

Professor Duncan Thomas, Faculty Advisor
Professor Michelle P. Connolly, Honors Seminar Instructor

JEL classification: J2; J21; J30; O10; Q54

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Peer Effects & Differential Attrition: Evidence from Tennessee’s Project STAR

By Sanjay Satish

This paper explores the effects of attrition on student development in early education.
It aims to provide evidence that student departure in elementary schools has educational
impacts on the students they leave behind. Utilizing data from Tennessee’s Project STAR
experiment, this paper aims to expand upon the literature of peer effects, as well as attrition,
in public elementary schools. It departs from previous papers by utilizing survival analysis to
determine which characteristics of students prolonged participation in the experiment. Clustering
analysis is subsequently employed to group departed students to better understand
the various channels of attrition present in STAR. It finds that students who left Project
STAR were more likely to be of lower income and lower ability than their peers. This paper
then uses these findings to estimate the peer effects of attrition on students who remained
in the experiment and undertakes a discussion of potential sources of bias in this estimation
and their effects on the explanatory power of peer effects estimates.

Professor Robert Garlick, Faculty Advisor
Professor Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor

JEL Classification: I, I21, I26, H4, J13

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The Case for Clemency: Differential Impacts of Pretrial Detention on Case and Crime Outcomes

By George Rateb

About half-million of individuals in US jails are detained pretrial while legally presumed
innocent. Using data on quasi-randomly assigned bail judges in the third-largest court system in
the U.S., we study the impact of pretrial detention on defendants’ court and crime outcomes
between 2008 and 2012. We supplement our primary analysis to document patterns on bail
amounts and how they differentially impact Black defendants relative to their white and Hispanic
counterparts. Instrumental variable estimates suggest that pretrial detention increases the
likelihood of being found guilty, mainly driven by the uptake of guilty pleas, especially for
minorities. By linking court and jail data, we provide mechanistic evidence that jail time is
positively correlated with the uptake of these guilty pleas. To the best of our knowledge, these
findings have not been empirically documented due to a lack of previous data availability.

Professor Bocar Ba, Faculty Advisor
Professor Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor

JEL classification: C26; J15; K14

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Tale of Two Cities An Econometric Analysis of East & West Coast Fine Art Galleries

By Daniella Victoria Paretti

In a 2021 report published alongside Art Basel and UBS, renowned cultural economist Dr.
Clare McAndrew posited that the value of art sales in 2020 amounted to an impressive $50 billion
(although this actually marks an over 10-year low). It is no secret that the global art markets are
extremely lucrative, attracting the interest of industry magnates and business tycoons alike.
Though it is important to note that art markets are historically quite distinct from their normal good
counterparts — the sector is laden with issues regarding transparency, high barriers to entry, and
hiding of wealth. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the tides began to turn; online
platforms for museums, auction houses, and galleries were employed more than ever before,
effectively modernizing the antiquated industry and expanding its reach to new consumers. How
has this trend of digitalization changed and improved art markets? More specifically, how can data
analytics and other technological resources serve the interests of private galleries? Using sales data
from a parent gallery with multiple locations across the United States (each displaying similar
works/artists), I have conducted a number of qualitative and statistical analyses to identify key
differences between the West and East coast locations. In short, the gallery on the West coast sold
more works and at a lower average cost than its counterpart, providing key insights into this local
market’s consumer base. Beyond this, factors like size, medium, and artist gender were found to
have statistically significant effects on the ultimate sale price and turnover rate of works. My
findings suggest that means of data analytics should be utilized by all actors in the art markets to
optimize their approach to business, as well as understand their consumers better than ever before.

Professor Michelle Connolly, Faculty Advisor
Professor Hans Van Miegroet, Faculty Advisor

JEL classification: Z11, C10, J11, O33

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Revisiting California Proposition 209: Changes in Science Persistence Rates and Overall Graduation Rates

by Anh-Huy Nguyen

California Proposition 209 outlawed race-based affirmative action in the University
of California (UC) system in 1998. However, the UC system subsequently shifted towards
race-blind affirmative action by also reweighing factors other than race in the
admissions process. To evaluate the hypothetical changes in the science persistence rate
and graduation rate of all applicants if racial preferences had been removed entirely, I
estimate baseline and counterfactual admissions models using data from between 1995-
1997. Using a general equilibrium framework to fix the total number of admits and
enrollees, I find that the removal of racial preferences leads to a cascade of minority
enrollees into less selective campuses and a surge of non-minority enrollees into more
selective campuses. The improved matching between students and campuses results in
higher science persistence rates and graduation rates across the pool of all applicants.
In particular, the gains are driven by minority students who were admitted under racial
preferences, because the gains from better matching across UC campuses outweigh the
losses from potentially being pushed outside the UC system. Non-minority students
who are originally rejected under racial preferences also benefit, as some are induced
into the system in the counterfactual, where they are more likely to graduate. I also
investigate claims that applicants may have strategically gamed during the admissions
process by misrepresenting their interest in the sciences in order to maximize their
admissions probability. While there exist incentives to apply in different majors across
the campuses, I find evidence that applicants often fail to game optimally, suggesting
that they may not be fully informed of their relative admissions probabilities in the
sciences and non-sciences.

Professor Peter Arcidiacono, Faculty Advisor

JEL Codes: I23, I28, J24, H75

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Subprime’s Long shadow: Understanding subprime lending’s role in the St. Louis vacancy crisis

By Glen David Morgenstern

Using loan-level data, this analysis attempts to connect the events of the subprime home loan boom to the current vacancy crisis in St. Louis, Missouri. Borrowers in Black areas in the north of St. Louis City and St. Louis County received subprime home loans at higher rates during the subprime boom period of 2003-2007 than those in White areas, with differences in balloon loans especially stark. Specifically, borrowers in Black neighborhoods received subprime loans more frequently than those with equal FICO scores in White neighborhoods. As a result of these differential loan terms, North City and inner ring “First Suburb” areas saw more foreclosure and
borrower payment delinquency, which in turn were highly associated with home vacancy, controlling for other risk factors. However, foreclosure was no longer a significant predictor of home vacancy
after controlling for demographic factors and FICO score, indicating that the unequal loan terms may have driven much of the increase in home vacancy in the St. Louis area since the Great Recession.

Professor Charles Becker, Faculty Advisor

JEL classification: R1; R3; R11; R31; J1; J15

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Undergraduate Program Assistant
Matthew Eggleston

Director of the Honors Program
Michelle P. Connolly