Tagged: USP seminars

U.S. Counterterrorism Twelve Years After 9/11: A Report Card

On the twelfth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, University Scholars gathered in Page Auditorium on Duke’s West Campus with over 1000 other audience members to listen to General David Petraeus’s conversation with Professor...

2013 USP Fall Retreat Recap

General Retreat Summary (special thanks to Meg Shea for the summary!): The USP kicked off it’s year with an excellent retreat at Camp Chestnut Ridge in Efland, NC.  After a slightly long bus ride...

The Reality of Climate Change

The Reality of Climate Change

Is the climate changing? Are humans partially responsible? Should we expect more serious climate related impacts in the years to come? Can anything be done? The answer to each of these questions is yes,...

Big Data: Big Promises (with Big Problems?)

Big Data: Big Promises (with Big Problems?)

On the wonderful Tuesday evening of October 9th, the Unis present were treated to two lectures by two of our own graduate student Unis: James Johndrow, graduate student in Statistics and Allen Riddell, graduate...

In Defense of My Proposal

In Defense of My Proposal

At the health seminar, I suggested one possible non-partisan option that could instantly improve the health and lower the cost of healthcare of this country. My suggestion was a guaranteed free visit to a...