Tagged: Two Cultures

Keynote speaker nominee: Margaret Humphreys

Keynote speaker nominee: Margaret Humphreys

Another possible good keynote speaker for our “Two Cultures” symposium would be Margaret Humphreys, Josiah Charles Trent Professor in the History of Medicine & Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine.  Professor Humphreys was affiliated with...

Symposium Group I ideas

Symposium Group I ideas

Hey Unis, Here is a brief summary of the Group I ideas. Group I Description: Our group aims to describe the factors influencing culture and specialization within cultures, including language, regional, and discipline-specific influences....

New York Times Contact

New York Times Contact

The contact I mentioned at the meeting that was interested in hearing more about our Two Cultures symposium was Cornelia Dean, Science Writer and former Science Editor of the New York Times. For a...

Lots of free-time symposium thoughts

Lots of free-time symposium thoughts

From my understanding, C.P. Snow’s critique of the two cultures breaks down into two lines of thought: in an abstract sense, science and art have a great deal to offer one another, and in...

Possible symposium thoughts

Possible symposium thoughts

I was thinking about how I could convert some of the work I’m already doing (i.e. working in a neuro lab looking to repurpose Alzheimer’s drugs for glaucoma) to something relevant to the Two...