New York Times Contact
The contact I mentioned at the meeting that was interested in hearing more about our Two Cultures symposium was Cornelia Dean, Science Writer and former Science Editor of the New York Times. For a...
The contact I mentioned at the meeting that was interested in hearing more about our Two Cultures symposium was Cornelia Dean, Science Writer and former Science Editor of the New York Times. For a...
From my understanding, C.P. Snow’s critique of the two cultures breaks down into two lines of thought: in an abstract sense, science and art have a great deal to offer one another, and in...
I was thinking about how I could convert some of the work I’m already doing (i.e. working in a neuro lab looking to repurpose Alzheimer’s drugs for glaucoma) to something relevant to the Two...
In the interest of consolidating all the names in one place, I’ve taken the liberty of doing so, culling from the various posts and comments, plus adding a few more: Anthony Kelley and Jennifer...
In the interest of nominating people from my own household who happen to be internationally syndicated cartoonists, I nominate my father, Brooke McEldowney. One of his more recent projects within his comic strip “Pibgorn”...
On the topic of recycling and the connection to the environment, here are some possibilities for keynote speakers, courtesy of my friend Tom Buhrman. He’s currently working on an environmental art exhibition called “re|THINK”...
Symposium Planning Seminar Recap (Jan. 14, 2008) At this past Monday’s seminar, we discussed ways in which our current work could be viewed (or not) through the lens of “recycle,” our theme for this...
After the seminar on Thursday, I realized that my current research focuses on a unique recyclable that never came up during our discussion: money! Beyond the normal circulation of currency that we engage in...
Here is the link to “Recycling is Garbage” by John Tierney, and here’s another story that pretty much states his views on sustainability (i.e., human ingenuity is one resource we won’t soon run out...
Here is the link to “Recycling is Garbage” by John Tierney, and here’s another story that pretty much states his views on sustainability (i.e., human ingenuity is one resource we won’t soon run out...