Tagged: symposium

Symposium Discussions at the Retreat

At the Retreat, the Unis were divided into seven smaller groups to discuss the theme of the Symposium, namely Reason (s). Some of these very fruitful discussions are summarized by the discussion leaders below.  James’ Table...

On the Theme of Reason(s)

This year’s symposium theme grew out of conversations around a number of other potential topics, all of which seemed to intersect in the concept of Reason (as in the human faculty to reason) and...

2013 USP Fall Retreat Recap

General Retreat Summary (special thanks to Meg Shea for the summary!): The USP kicked off it’s year with an excellent retreat at Camp Chestnut Ridge in Efland, NC.  After a slightly long bus ride...

Futures Symposium Schedule

Futures Symposium Schedule

Hi all! I’m posting the schedule for the University Scholars Program (USP) “Futures” Symposium for all the world to see. The event will take place on Saturday, March 2nd, from 10:00am to 3:30pm. 9:30-10:00:...

Symposium Planning Seminar II Recap from 1/10/2013

Symposium Planning Seminar II Recap from 1/10/2013

Thanks to Meg Shea for this recap! Summary of USP Seminar on Symposium Planning 1/10/13: A group of Unis got together on 1/10/13 to discuss the symposium.  We started off breaking into smaller groups...