Category: Blog

“Futures” Symposium Categories from Sam

“Futures” Symposium Categories from Sam

On the previous blog post, folks submitted ideas for symposium presentation ideas in response to the email that Sam sent out over winter break.  Sam compiled these replies and categorized them according to the...

Media and Politics

Media and Politics

7:27 – Tori introduces professor David Paletz Tori reads out various comments from Unis and recent media. For instance, Irene had something to say about Gene Weingarden talking about media bias toward conflict. Paletz...

USPuzzle Contest: 5 – Bad Math Puzzles

USPuzzle Contest: 5 – Bad Math Puzzles

I’ve fallen behind on puzzle posts, so look for another post near the end of this week. This set of three puzzles revolves around bad mathematics. Each puzzle is worth 1 point if answered...

USPuzzle Contest: 4 – Cipher spelled with an i

USPuzzle Contest: 4 – Cipher spelled with an i

This week’s puzzle is a code. The code from the fall semester’s puzzles ( ) may provide some pointers for how to go about this one, although this one’s subject matter is less...