Fundamentals 2015: Dissemination

Once we have discovered, defined, and discussed fundamentals, how do we go about disseminating them? For instance, how do we disseminate fundamentals from the lab to the classroom, from the academy to the wider culture, from a local community to a nation? Do we disseminate fundamentals via textbooks, how-to manuals, news outlets, twitter, or Facebook? What ideas are disseminated in a particular field and why? To give a specific example, relevant to the education sector, what methods inform how teachers disseminate fundamentals to their students in the classroom? With regards to the media sector, what methods are at play to disseminate the latest news to the public? Or perhaps we could consider what choices are made when texts are translated and disseminated into other languages?

Your ideas are welcome!

Contact me ( if you are interested in joining with us in dissemination for the USP Symposium 2015.

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