
The distinctive features of the University Scholars Program for graduate and professional school scholars include:

Financial Support
Graduate and professional school University Scholars will receive the equivalent of one year’s tuition as calculated by the Graduate and Professional Schools. The scholar’s individual department or professional program determines how funds will be distributed.

Conference Funding
Each year, University Scholars who have already utilized departmental funding for one conference may apply for funding to support a presentation at an interdisciplinary conference or a conference outside of their primary discipline.

Graduate Mentors
All graduate and professional school University Scholars who have completed their first year are eligible to apply for a position as a Graduate Mentor with the program. Graduate Mentors receive a generous fellowship and the opportunity to substantially shape the program’s development.

Continuing Intellectual Support
Beyond the financial support of the first year, graduate and professional school students remain University Scholars throughout their tenure at Duke. University Scholars Seminars, Coffees and other events provide a forum in which scholars may present their research, network across disciplines, collaborate on research projects, develop interdisciplinary pedagogical strategies and course proposals, cultivate meaningful mentoring relationships with undergraduates, and find support for interests and endeavors that challenge traditional disciplinary and professional boundaries.

University Scholars Seminars
These informal seminars, held every two weeks, bring together graduate and professional school University Scholars, undergraduate scholars, and interested faculty, as well as distinguished visiting scholars, scientists and artists. Students of all levels are encouraged to lead a seminar on their own work-in-progress or on a topic of particular interest to them.

Annual University Scholars Symposium
Each year, University Scholars will showcase their research and scholarship in a symposium to which the entire university community is invited. Previous Symposia include:

  • “Cities in Evolution: Imagination and Reinvention” (2006)
  • “The End of the World (As We Know It)” (2005)
  • “Truth Lies Within <-> Within Lies Truth” (2004)
  • “We Will Remember It For You” (2003)
  • “Exposing Privacy” (2002)
  • “Perspectives on Political Change: South Africa and USA” (2001)
  • “From Faust to the Future: The Costs & Rewards of [too much?] Knowledge” (2000)

University Scholars Mentoring
An informal, intellectual mentoring program offers interdisciplinary research possibilities, helps to shape multidisciplinary interests into an interdisciplinary program, and encourages collaborative thinking and intellectual risk-taking.

University Scholars Coffees
These entirely student led discussions bring University Scholars together in the casual setting of campus cafés to talk about matters ranging from the practical to the esoteric.

Cultural Programming
Duke Performances offers reduced price student tickets to live music, dance, and other arts events on campus. Students often have the opportunity to meet with the artist(s) before or after their performance in small seminars or discussions.

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