USPuzzle Contest Rules

We are running a puzzle contest this spring.  A puzzle post will appear once each week (generally very early Tuesday) between now and the Spring Symposium.

Each post will be worth 3 points when fully solved.  Points may be spread out over multiple smaller puzzles or may allow for partial credit on a larger puzzle.  Bonus points may or may not make an appearance.

All participants will receive a gold star for their nametag at the Symposium.  The people with the highest earned point totals may also be eligible for “Fabulous Prizes”.  There is no deadline as such for submitting solutions, but ties will be broken based on fastest submission times.

Solutions and sources for puzzles will be posted at the end of the contest, at and after the Symposium.

The contest is open to anyone (USP or otherwise), but you must be in attendance at the Spring Symposium in order to claim a Fabulous Prize.

Submit your solutions to  Please, only one submission per puzzle post.

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