Greetings from the Rocky Top Retreat
I open my eyes from a hazy sleep to see a spider above my head. It looks dangerous. It takes me a while to register what exactly is going on. I get a book, knock the thing from out of my tent and go back to sleep.
I awake forty five minutes later because the heat in my tent is unbearable. I crawl out of my tent, and walk barefoot to “the porch.” Roger, who’s accent is so thick I can barely understand him serves me an awful cup of coffee. I say “Roger, this stuff is so bad, it gives me the shits.” Roger’s reply: “Its good for you boy. Make you light and strong. You’ll climb better.”
No, I’m not somewhere fancy like New Zealand or Africa. I have been spending my last few weeks camping at Roger’s Rocky Top Retreat in Fayetteville, WV. Its a simple place consisting of a field and a shack (pictured below.)
Rock climbers from all over the country come here every year to climb on the Nuttal sandstone that hangs high over the New River, ironically one of the oldest rivers in the world.
Tucked away in rural West Virginia, the New River Gorge is a little known haven for all who enjoy “human powered recreation.” Although the most popular activity is white water rafting (the New is considered one of the best white water rivers in the country), rock climbing, mountain biking and hiking are also very popular activities.
Some photos so far.
Hope everyone else is enjoying themselves,