
Duke Entomology Lab: Mapping Our Research and Discoveries

Explore the Chappell Family Gallery and discover the fascinating world of insects through captivating images and stories from the delicate wings of butterflies to the powerful legs of grasshoppers, each exhibit highlights the beauty and importance of these tiny creatures. Learn about their unique behaviors, critical roles in ecosystems, and the fascinating adaptations that help them survive. Whether you’re a curious visitor or a dedicated entomologist, there’s something here to inspire and amaze. Click the bee for more.                                                          

“Our gallery showcases fascinating insects like the Monarch Butterfly, known for its incredible migration, and the Praying Mantis, a skilled predator. You’ll also see the Dragonfly, admired for its agile flight, and the Grasshopper, a common yet vital part of many ecosystems.”

Odontotaenius disjunctus (Horned Passalus Bettle)

Orchelimum pulchellum (Handsome Meadow Katydid)

Junonia coenia (common buckeye)

Xyloryctes jamaicensis (Rhinoceros Beetle)