Fibers of Being
By Lauren Henschel, Duke MFA 2020
“As Lauren Henschel was finishing Fibers of Being, her MFA EDA thesis exhibition, the world changed. The work, an intensely personal examination of vulnerability and mortality, was made suddenly, universally relevant by the coronavirus crisis at the same moment it became impossible for the public to visit…”
Henschel, an artist with psoriatic arthritis, created a multilayered, multi-sensory installation using 16mm film (processed by hand and incorporating her medications and bodily fluids), sounds, stills, and organic life. The installation was designed with the principles of collective access in mind, and explores themes of the body, genetics, inheritance and mortality.
From Henschel’s artist’s statement: “My purpose is to foster consciousness around this ‘condition,’ of residing in the temporary shelter of a body, of the impermanent and illusory concept of being well, and to engender empathy for people who live inside this awareness every day.”
Read an article about the installation and view film clips here!
Take a Breather
By Chandler Naylon
What do shoes have to do with activism? A lifelong sneaker enthusiast and sneaker reseller, Chandler Naylon considers the relationship between sports and mental health. He painted a pair of Nike Air Force 1s with an original design, encouraging us to “Never Settle” but also to “Take A Breather.” His website includes a photo gallery of the sneakers and a detailed description of the design and the meaning behind it. It also introduces his inspirations (including My Cause, My Cleats; Liz Beecroft; and Keith Haring).
Click here to see the sneakers on Instagram!
9 Disabled Activists from the Queer Rights Movement
By Colton Ortiz
An image gallery celebrating disabled heroes of the queer rights movement.
As millions across the country and around the world have learned to embrace their queer friends and neighbors, it is easy to forget the sheer number of individuals who fought for queer rights throughout history. It is even easier to forget those in the queer movement who were simultaneously trailblazers for other communities and movements. This Disability Pride Week, I want to highlight some of my personal heroes from the queer rights movement who beautifully lived at the intersection of queerness and disability.
Click here to enter the gallery!
Minor Movie Mentality
By Newland Zhang
These original cartoons offer a comical exploration of how mental disability is represented in kids’ movies and popular blockbusters, including The Lion King, Avengers Endgame, Christopher Robin, and Inside Out… read more.