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Duke Panopto Upgrade, Tuesday, December 19, 2017

By: Todd Stabley

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be upgrading our current v. 5.3 installation of Panopto to version 5.5 on Tuesday, December 19th, 2017. Some of the headline features we’ll be gaining include:

  • Webcasts are now delivered via HTML5 in both the interactive viewer and the embed viewer. One of final steps in our move away from proprietary plug-in based technology (Flash, Silverlight) toward a completely browser-based playback architecture.
  • Added the capability to embed a Youtube video within a Panopto session.
  • Added welcome tours to orient new users logging into Panopto.
  • Added Playlists. Playlists allow sessions from any folder within a Panopto site to be presented together in a single, ordered list.


As per usual, we expect the system to be offline during business hours on this day. If you have questions, you can contact your Panopto Site Administrator or the OIT Service Desk

  • 5.4 Full release notes:
  • 5.5 Full release Notes:

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