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Karla Holloway Mentoring Award

A new Collaborative-based prize: the Karla Holloway Mentoring Award is named for Duke University Professor Karla Holloway who retired in fall 2016 after a distinguished academic career spanning four decades.

We often highlight the value of teaching and research, but give less attention to the critical role of mentoring. Holloway has served as a mentor to many, including Anna Julia Cooper Center Director, Melissa Harris-Perry, providing advice and resources to female students. This award recognizes how important mentorship is for our young women of color,

The Karla Holloway Mentoring Award will be an annual award honoring a nominated individual from a Collaborative institution for excellence in mentoring young women and girls of color.

The first Karla Holloway Mentoring Award recipient will be nominated and awarded this spring. (See DeBono Receives 2017 Karla Holloway Mentoring Award) A small committee comprised of 3-5 representatives from Collaborative institutions will solicit nominations from Collaborative members and determine the award winner. The award will be announced publicly and includes a cash prize.

For more information on eligibility or to nominate a candidate, contact the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest University by email, ajc@wfu.edu.

Summer Institute on Tenure and Professional Advancement (SITPA)

Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Social Sciences | Trinity College

MAN SITPASITPA is a mentoring and professional socialization initiative that facilitates the successful transition from junior faculty status to tenured associate professor for a broad group of early career faculty. Open to faculty members in their first or second year in a tenure track position in an accredited U.S. based college or university, who are from underrepresented groups or otherwise support the diversity missions of their institutions, SITPA seeks to help remedy the persistent underrepresentation of various racial and ethnic minority groups on the faculties of U.S. colleges and universities.

“Being chosen for the SITPA Fellowship means that I have an exciting opportunity to work alongside a diverse community of junior and senior scholars committed to countering the underrepresentation of tenured faculty of color in the U.S.” –Yomaira Figueroa, SITPA Fellow


SITPA is a two-year program that includes:

  • A required 3-day workshop on earning tenure
  • 24 months of mentoring from a senior faculty in your discipline
  • Consultations on select research and/or teaching projects
  • Teaching and Research Grants

SITPA is funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and is administered and hosted by the Center for the Study of Race Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Sciences (REGSS) at Duke University. Preference will be given to applicants in fields of study supported by the Mellon Foundation.

Learn more about SITPA Fellows:

History Professor Keisha Blain Selected as SITPA Fellow at Duke University
Dr. Yomaira Figueroa Selected for Duke’s SITPA Junior Faculty Fellowship

For more information or to determine eligibility, visit the SITPA website or send an email to klhaynie@duke.edu.

Culp Colloquium

Duke Center on Law, Race and Politics | Duke Law School

Diversity in legal education remains a priority for the Law School. To support this part of its mission, the Law School engages in a number of initiatives to support diversity and inclusiveness in the legal academy.

The Culp Colloquium program honors the legacy of Duke Law Professor Jerome Culp, a mentor of junior faculty, by assisting minority scholars and candidates in the academic market.

As a complement to the Visiting Assistant Professor program the Law School organizes an annual three-day program, which opens with the Emerging Scholars Program, and the Culp Colloquium, a scholarship workshop for untenured minority faculty members from law schools around the country.

During the Colloquium, Duke Law faculty, joined by scholars from around the country, assist minority scholars and candidates by reviewing and providing constructive feedback on participants’ papers, research agendas, overall quality of scholarship, and presentation.

Then, on the second and third day of the program, participants serve as mentors in the Emerging Scholars Program. Minority entry-level candidates, as well as those who recently secured academic jobs to start the following fall, receive advice and feedback on interviewing and other skills, how to balance research and teaching responsibilities, and other tools for success on the academic market and in academia generally. In addition to the substantive and practical value of sessions such as mock interviews and job talks, participants benefit from the relationships they form with Duke Law faculty and other scholars of color.

To learn more about eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the Visiting Assistant Professor (VAP) Program website, or send an email to vapprogram@law.duke.edu.