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Join Us

For Duke Graduate Students

Membership in DACC is primarily open to all Duke University graduate students & affiliates.

Join us through the following channels!


To join our slack channel please click here! Please use your duke email to join, signups with a non-duke email will be rejected.


To receive updates from the club, subscribe to using this link.  To ensure you receive these emails to your Duke account, please login using your Duke NetID using the button in the top right corner and add your duke email to the listserv.

If you do not receive a confirmation message or are having difficulties, please  email with the subject line DACC: Subscription Issues.



Follow us on Linkedin!


Please contact Ammara ( or Yifei ( if you have any questions!


Pro Bono Consulting Projects

If you are interested in working in interdisciplinary teams to solve business problems for real industry clients , join our Pro-bono Consulting Program. We recruit new student consultants every late-summer and late winter for our Fall and Spring consulting cycles respectively. Stay tuned to any of the above channels for detailed recruiting information in each cycle!


For Duke Undergraduate Students

If you are an undergraduate, we are more than happy to welcome you to our events as well. However, if you would like to be connected to the undergraduate consulting club, you can find them at the following website.