Lois Gibbs is the founder of the Love Canal Homeowners Association and a primary example of a leader fueling grassroots activism. Her story as both a victim and staunch leader are important for understanding the value behind the tragedies that occurred at love canal in the 1970s. Through a creative writing piece, I hope to tell the story of love canal from her perspective. Discussing the injustices she and her neighbors suffered as well as the ways she organized her community against the government to produce a powerful environmental activism story. Her story is more than one about Love Canal but about the relationship between citizens and government in a democracy and the need for individuals to speak out and demand justice when the government will not act in their favor. The way Gibbs transformed her frustration and despair into positive actions and behaviors to overcome the challenges in front of her is model on activism for us all. As a women in the late 1970s, challenging the state government and a large multibillion dollar petroleum company was not easy or pleasant. The creative memoir will explore her struggle and tell the story of love canal with information about the people living in Love Canal, factual data, and context to support the narrative. This creative writing piece will supplement the mapping data I produced on the Love Canal Homeowners Association. I will be reading Gibbs’ biography and other sources on Love Canal to support my research.