2022 Wu F, Ha Y, Weiss A, Wang M, Letourneau J, Wang S, Luo N, Huang S, Lee CT, David LA, You L. Modulation of microbial community dynamics by spatial partitioning. Nature Chem Biol. 2022 Apr;18(4):394-402. doi: 10.1038/s41589-021-00961-w. Epub 2022 Feb 10. PMID: 35145274; PMCID: PMC8967799.
2020 Bachelot B., and C. Lee 2020. Disturbances can promote and hinder coexistence of competitors in on-going partner choice mutualism. The American Naturalist 195(3) https://doi.org/10.1086/707258
2019 Bennett, A., Preedy, K., Golubski, A., Umbanhowar, J., Borrett, S., Byrne, L., Apostol, K., Bever, J., Biederman, L., Classen, A., Cuddington, K., de Graaff, M.-A., Garrett, K., Gross, L., Hastings, A., Hoeksema, J., Hrynkiv, V., Karst, J., Kummel, M., Lee, C., Liang, C., Liao, W., Mack, K., Miller, L., Ownley, B., Rojas, C., Simms, E., Walsh, V., Warren, M., and Zhu, J. Beyond the Black Box: Promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology. Ecosphere 10(7): e02799 10.1002/ecs2.2799.
2019 Wu, F., A.J. Lopatkin, D.A. Needs, CT Lee, S. Mukherjee, and L. You. A unifying framework for interpreting and predicting mutualistic systems. Nature Communications 10:242. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-08188-5
2018 Bachelot, B. and Lee, CT. Dynamic preferential allocation to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi explains fungal succession and coexistence. Ecology 99:372-384.
2017 Lee, CT. Stochastic elasticities to the intensity of biotic or abiotic driving factors. Ecology 98:1016- 1025.
2015 Lee, CT. Inherent demographic stability in mutualist-resource-exploiter interactions. The American Naturalist 185:551-561.
2012 Lee, CT. Demography. Pages 166-170 in A. Hastings and L Gross, eds. Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press. Invited contribution
2012 P. V. Kirch, G. Asner, O. A. Chadwick, J. Field, T. Ladefoged, C. Lee, C. Puleston, S. Tuljapurkar, and P. M. Vitousek. Building and testing models of long-term agricultural intensification and population dynamics: A case study from the leeward Kohala Field System, Hawai‘i. Ecological Modelling 227: 18-28.
2011 Lee, CT, TEX Miller, and BD Inouye. Consumer effects on the vital rates of their resource can determine the outcome of competition between consumers. The American Naturalist 178:452-463. Recommended by Faculty of 1000
2011 Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar. Quantitative, dynamic models to integrate environment, population, and society. Pages 111-133 in Kirch, PV, ed. Roots of Conflict: Soils, Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Complexity in Ancient Hawai’i. School of Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Invited contribution
2010 Lee, CT, and BD Inouye. 2010. Mutualism between consumers and their shared resource can promote competitive coexistence. The American Naturalist 175: 277-288. Recommended by Faculty of 1000
2009 Lee, CT, CO Puleston, and S Tuljapurkar. 2009. Population and prehistory III: Food dependent demography in variable environments. Theoretical Population Biology 76: 179- 188.
2008 Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar. 2008. Population and prehistory I: Food-dependent population growth in constant environments. Theoretical Population Biology 73: 473-483.
2008 Donahue, MJ, and CT Lee. 2008. Colonization. Pages 672-278 in SE Jorgensen and BD Fath (Editor-in-Chief), General Ecology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. Oxford: Elsevier. Invited contribution
2008 Ladefoged, TN, CT Lee, and MW Graves. 2008. Modeling life expectancy and surplus production of dynamic pre-contact territories in leeward Kohala, Hawai’i. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27: 93-110.
2008 Morris, WF, CA Pfister, S Tuljapurkar, CV Haridas, CL Boggs, MS Boyce, EM Bruna, DR Church, T Coulson, DF Doak, S Forsyth, J-M Gaillard, CC Horvitz, S Kalisz, BE Kendall, TM Knight, CT Lee, and ES Menges. 2008. Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability. Ecology 89 (1): 19-25.
2007 Tuljapurkar, S, CT Lee, and M Figgs. 2007. Demography and food in early Polynesia. Pages 35-51 in Kirch, PV, and J.-L. Rallu, eds. The Growth and Collapse of Island Societies: Archaeological and Demographic Perspectives from the Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. Invited contribution
2006 Lee, CT, and A Hastings. 2006. Non-equilibrium genetic structure is robust to the shape of the dispersal distribution. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 279-293.
2006 Lee, CT, S Tuljapurkar, and P Vitousek. 2006. Risky business: spatial and temporal variation in preindustrial dryland agriculture. Human Ecology 34 (6): 739-763.
2006 Boyce, MS, CV Haridas, CT Lee, C. L. Boggs, E. M. Bruna, T. Coulson, D. Doak, J. M. Drake, J.M. Gaillard, C.C. Horvitz, S. Kalisz, B.E. Kendall, T. Knight, E.S. Menges, W.F. Morris, C.A. Pfister, and S. D. Tuljapurkar. 2006. Demography in an increasingly variable world. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 141-148.
2005 Chesson, P, and CT Lee. Families of discrete kernels for modeling dispersal. Theoretical Population Biology 67 (4): 241-256.
2001 Lee, CT, MF Hoopes, J Diehl, W Gilliland, G Huxel, EV Leaver, K McCann, J Umbanhowar, and A Mogilner. Non-local concepts and models in biology. Journal of Theoretical Biology 210: 201-219.