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Trainee Registration


Are you interested in finding a paid research position in cancer-related research at Duke? Do you think you might be eligible for an NIH Diversity Supplement? You’ve come to the right place!

The DCI’s CRTEC Office hosted a matching event on November 3, 2023 from 9am to noon for trainees at any career level to meet DCI investigators and discuss research opportunities funded through diversity supplements. Trainees had the opportunity to have short, 10-minute interviews with faculty in related research areas. Trainees were matched with faculty based on self-identified areas of research interest.

Trainee Eligibility:

  • Able to participate in the virtual matching event on November 3, 2023.
  • Identify as belonging to a race or ethnicity that is underrepresented in science, including the racial or ethnic groups identified by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as underrepresented in science (such as Black/African American, Hispanic/ Latinx, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander). Alternately, if you come from a financially disadvantaged background or have a disability, you may also qualify. More information can be found here. NIH guidelines state that trainees supported through diversity supplements must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents; you can read more here.
  • At one of the following career levels: high school student, undergraduate student, baccalaureate or master’s degree holder, graduate or health professional student, postdoctoral associate/fellow, or junior faculty.


How to apply:

  • Complete the Application form no later than 11:59 PM, Eastern Daylight Time on October 6, 2023.
  • To complete your application, you will need to upload a resume or curriculum vitae (CV).
  • If you don’t have one of these, please utilize these Duke resources to create a resume or CV.
  • If this seems overwhelming, and you are interested in this event that is okay! Please reach out to the CRTEC team via email at and we will try our best to help.
  • If you have any trouble with the application form, you can email your CV/resume directly to CRTEC.

Details for the next iteration of this event and it’s registration will be provided when available.