Office Hours
- Instructors: Wednesday after class @3pm
- Sam: D105
- Bhuwan: D111
- ONLY the instructor teaching that week will hold this office hour
- Virtual office hour: Thursday @7pm (Zoom link)
- ONLY the instructor NOT teaching that week will hold this office hour
- TA: Tuesday @5pm (Zoom link) & after class the Friday before an assignment is due.
The primary textbooks we will refer to in the course are Eisenstein’s Natural Language Processing and Jurafsky & Martin’s Speech and Language Processing (3rd Ed. draft). For deep learning related content another useful text is Goldberg’s Primer on Neural Networks for NLP. Any other readings relevant for a lecture will be listed beforehand. All of these will be made available under the Resources section.
These readings are intended to complement the material discussed in the lecture. You may find it useful to refer to them before or after the class but you are not expected to know things which are not covered in the lectures.
The final grade will be comprised of:
- 3 assignments (15% each)
- 2 in-class quizzes (10% each)
- Final project (35%)
Communication: We will use Ed for communication between students and instructors and between students. You can find a link to it on the left.
Late days: We will allow a total of 3 late days on the assignments (cumulatively, not per assignment). You do not need permission to take these. After your allotted late days, you will lose 15% per additional day. If there is an unforeseen health or personal emergency, please contact the instructors.
Collaboration: You may discuss the assignments with other students but all the text and code must be produced independently by you. We will use Moss for detecting plagiarism. Any violations will be dealt with seriously. As a student, you must abide by the academic honesty standard of the Duke University.
Disabilities: Students with disabilities are encouraged to request appropriate accommodations through the Duke disability management system.
Diversity: We hope that this course will serve students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives equally and respectfully. If you have any concerns or suggestions for improving the effectiveness of this course, please let the instructors know.
Covid Info
The Dean’s office has informed us that:
- Masking is required in all on-campus buildings and we are to report non-compliant students to Student Conduct (the punishment can include losing on-campus privileges).
- There is an official way to notify us if you test positive for the virus: you are to use the short-term illness form, which automatically sends a notice to the academic dean.