Exam 3 Retake Logistics
- Timeframe: It will open Thursday, 12/15, at 12:01 AM and close Saturday, 12/17, at 11:59 PM.
- The exam will close at 11:59 pm regardless of when you started.
- It assesses the same thing as Exam 3.
- But it will be different than the original and practice exams.
- You may use things that you have learned that were not in the modules that this exam is testing, but you can answer it without knowing any modules beyond what this exam is testing.
- The data sets will be different.
- You do not need to do both parts. You can do only one part if you wish. You must do ALL of the questions in that part, though. We will take the max score per part.
- Regrade window
- The regrade window will be for only 24 hours after the grades are published. This is different than typical because grades need to be submitted ASAP.
- All other information is similar to Exam 1’s. Such as getting the files, Gradescope, Sakai, asking for help, grading policy, etc.
Collaboration Policy
Collaboration is not allowed. Collaboration includes working on the exam at the same time while in the same room. Evidence of collaboration is considered a violation of the Duke Community Standard, and all incidents of collaboration will be reported to the conduct office.