David Hsu, MD, PhD

William Dalton Family Assistant Professor of Cancer Genomics, Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine
Duke Center for Genomics and Computational Biology
Duke Cancer Institute
3008 Snyderman Bldg
905 S. LaSalle St
Durham, North Carolina 27708
Tel: (919) 684-1739
Email: shiaowen.hsu@duke.edu
David Hsu is currently the William Dalton Family Assistant Professor of Cancer Genomics and has joint appointments in the Duke Center for Genomics and Computational Biology (GCB), Medical Oncology/Department of Internal Medicine and is a member of the Duke Cancer Institute (DCI). Dr. Hsu received his MD, PhD degree at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He completed an Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas and a Hematology/Oncology fellowship at Duke University. After his fellowship in Hematology/Oncology, he joined the faculty at Duke University (2007).
Dr. Hsu’s clinical interest is gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies with a focus on colorectal cancer and his laboratory focuses on the use of genomic based technologies to identify and develop novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of GI cancers. His lab has also focused on the development of preclinical models using patient derived xenografts (PDXs) and early passage cell lines in GI cancers and this effort has now expanded to other solid tumors (lung, breast, renal, bladder, melanoma, sarcoma and others). The combination of characterizing the biology of patient tumor samples using genomic based technologies (next generation sequencing, mircroarray analysis, and proteomics) with in vivo validation and development of predictive biomarkers of therapeutic agents in PDXs provides a powerful platform for the development of drugs that will potentially have a higher impact in the clinic.