Duke University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Division, Department of Orthopaedics, and the School of Medicine joined together to create the Center of Excellence in Manual and Manipulative Therapy. The Center focuses on the dissemination of evidence associated with manual therapies through “living” systematic reviews, a repository of study summaries, an active social media presence, a monthly blog, and patient-facing materials on this website.
CEMMT’s mission is to provide honest, balanced, and credible information regarding manual therapies. CEMMT provides all information in an open access environment, free for any end users (clinicians or patients). Our goal is to generate discussion between clinicians and their patients so that decision making is improved for both parties.
CEMMT offers a number of options for our end-users. Drop down tabs provide access to patient infographics, living systematic reviews, article reviews, “shop talk” podcasts with researchers and clinicians, blogs, and more. Content is updated consistently as is the material on our Twitter site @DukeCEMMT. Interested in contributing to CEMMT? Please direct message us @DukeCEMMT.